I sometimes imagined that my parents had some special plan for me, something secret and important, and that my middle name was a tag, a sort of reminder of that plan.
Mass-tagging is very nice when, for example, you have a directory full of music by an artist and want to tag all that music with the artist's name.
As noted earlier, if a class name begins with an underscore, it has no corresponding XML tag.
XML namespaces turn local names into global ones by appending a global identifier to the tag name.
A version tag applies a meaningful name of your choice to a specific revision of each file in the repository, essentially creating a named snapshot of your development project.
Selecting elements by a tag name is useful, but what if you only want to select a subset of elements, based on their CSS class?
This typically involves a filtering process that includes logic to group related nodes by tag name, remove prohibited items such as deprecated tags and attributes, and others.
When the user submits a search, an API call is made by dynamically adding a script tag to the page and specifying the name of a callback function.
A prefix is not an identifier for the same reason that a tag name cannot be an identifier: the risk of two different applications using the same prefix is high.
For write access, my tag name starts with a "W_" and for the read access my tag name starts with a "R_".
对于写访问,我使用的标记名以“ W _ ”开头;对于读访问,标记名以“ R _ ”开头。
When an XML tag corresponds to a class, the tag name is taken directly from the class name.
DojoAttachPoint: This tag attribute, if specified, must be set to a widget property name.
Is a clothing brand, it's no surprise that the tag here contains the logo and brand name.
Therefore, the failure in question could only happen if the executable running had a name under four characters (it was sed), and had no tag set.
In the client portion of the Web service application shown in Listing 7, HelloWorld.jsp first prompts the user to enter a name by using the HTML tag.
在清单7中所示的Web服务应用程序的客户机部分中,HelloWorld . jsp首先使用HTML标记提示用户输入名称。
Finally, the public directory must include an HTML file with a meta tag containing the module's qualified name.
This tag will iterate over nodes of a certain name, executing the body of the iterate for each node. For example.
The REST calls in a particular screen are grouped under a particular key (name) under the items tag.
在某个特定页面中的REST调用归属于 items标签之下的一个特定主键(名称)。
The existence of the id attribute flags the taglib to assign a lotus.domino.Document object with its name being the value in the id tag.
id属性的存在标记着taglib分配一个名称为 id 标签中的值的 lotus.domino.Document对象。
The character is replaced by a substitution character before parsing takes place, and results in the element tag name throwing a SQL error code "16110 XML Syntax error.
在解析之前,该字符被一个替换字符替代,导致元素标记名称抛出一个SQL错误代码 "16110XMLSyntax error.
So in Listing 1, the child tag of the first tag has a name attribute and a child tag, which respectively define the name and value of the property on which the bean depends.
所以在清单1 中,第一个标记的子标记具有一个name属性和一个 子标记,分别定义了这个bean依赖的属性的名称和值。
The tag for the filter contains a child tag with two attributes, name and ref.
But I thought it was time to give the concept a formal name (and it's own post category tag so you can quickly identify all relevant articles.)
Gnosis.xml.objectify attaches subelement nodes directly as attributes of nodes (every node is of a custom class named after the tag name).
Perhaps the most commonly used selector is the type selector, though most people think of it as a tag name or element selector.
After you have the array of the found tags, you create a table in which each row has a single image tag that USES the file name in the source.
If you erased a closing tag, typed a tag name incorrectly, or perhaps overtyped a symbol, such as a less than sign (<), you might run into this problem.
如果您误删了一个结束标记,键入的标记名不正确或者多打了一个小于号 (<),则有可能遇到这种问题。
However, you shouldn't create tag URIs that include a date in the future, because the ownership of the domain name or E-mail address may change unexpectedly.
However, you shouldn't create tag URIs that include a date in the future, because the ownership of the domain name or E-mail address may change unexpectedly.