This was a whole new level: far from any settlements and often five days' walk from the nearest stretch of river navigable by boat.
Meanwhile, as it is nearly navigable in Songhuajiang river, Jilin will open up a new logistics channel to Russia shipping.
A river of northwest England flowing about 3 km (70 mi) generally westward to the Irish Sea at Liverpool. Its large estuary is navigable for oceangoing vessels.
The expedition had set sail from the Thames river on 19 May 1845, carrying with it the hope of the nation for the discovery of a navigable route through the Arctic into the Pacific Ocean.
Where a railway crosses a navigable waterway, a bridge must be built which is capable of being opened in order to allow the river or canal traffic to pass.
Where a railway crosses a navigable waterway, a bridge must be built which is capable of being opened in order to allow the river or canal traffic to pass.