Some were told it had belonged to a nobody, others heard it was once a celebrity’s.
"If you don't go to school, you are going to be a nobody," Maria Lucineide lectures her children.
In May there was an embarrassing burglary by a nobody who hung around after closing time and swiped seven precious objects that took his fancy.
Nevertheless, he continued to insist that he was just a nobody who wanted to go back to his farm, and he was finally returned to Afghan custody.
Loewe is a nobody who commands little, if not no, authority in education theories. His approach may even be considered as ruining the students' future.
As speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, he was hardly a nobody, but he was not in the same league as a man whom Senator John McCain considered making his running-mate.
If somebody thinks that nobody knows about a wicked deed, he is wrong; God always knows it.
I turned and looked into the cabin where my five crewmates were, and nobody in there had a space suit on.
You go to a little town in Japan, where nobody speaks English, yet they know you on site and know all your music.
You go to a little town in Japan, where nobody speaks English, yet they know you are on site, and know all your music.
It's a Catch-22 situation here. Nobody wants to support you until you're successful, but without the support how can you ever be successful?
You can use me as a last resort, and if nobody else volunteers, then I will do it.
It is a stereotype but it's a statistically robust one and nobody lines up to protest this.
He sat very close to me, and opened the book as if he was opening a treasure that nobody had ever seen.
They had a language too; but surely nobody can expect that the soul of the watchman should understand it.
Look, Paul, it's still too early to quit, nobody is expected to be a superstar.
When it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs.
If you can make 100 tons of the drug, but it costs $100,000 a gram that might not be a useful drug because nobody could afford to use it.
Even if AI tried to fake compassion and trust, nobody would want a robot to babysit their children.
The station was a small one and nobody but themselves seemed to be getting out of the train.
Nobody ever had a better time or did more exotic strange things than I did in an 80-year period.
You lose your patience and either scream at your kids or say something that was a bit too harsh and does nobody any good.
When every pupil in the school wears a uniform, nobody will have to worry about fashion.
Nobody likes a person who tells lies.
Choose a place where nobody or nothing will take your attention away.
Choose a place where nobody or nothing will take your attention away.