A number of individuals and organizations have developed and published models for defining such a standard or baseline.
In larger projects individual roles can be carried out by a number of individuals, so clarity must be established within the team.
Back in 1896 (Modern Olympic Games in Athens) a number of individuals offered their services in the Olympic Games on a voluntary basis.
In particular, the skills required to understand both the business domain and also various aspects of technology are often best spread across a number of individuals.
Adam Smith well perceives this himself when he states, 'the necessaries of life of the lowest members of society are a product of joint Labour and of the co-operation of a number of individuals.
There are a number of individuals or groups in the fields of science, mathematics, cryptography, and other fields who require massive amounts of computing power in order to solve certain problems.
When Stephen Covey, founder and director of the Leadership Institute, explored leadership styles in the past decade, he focused on the habits of a great number of highly effective individuals.
Yet knowing and understanding this information could potentially liberate any number of individuals from resigning themselves to a narrow life constrained by fear.
For example, cardinality restrictions specify the number of relationships that a class of individuals can participate in.
Rarity is not merely determined by the number of individuals in a species, it is also about how unusual that species is.
These investors included a small but growing number of homeowners taking out yen-based mortgages for houses outside Japan, and individuals selling yen through online brokers, often at high leverages.
A number of companies and individuals are working on solutions to this problem including Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, as well as the OAuth project.
He also said the committee has reduced the maximum number of tickets that individuals can buy from 50 to eight, or a maximum of four tickets to each of two different events.
The dates [on his passport] make sense, but these individuals often have a number of passports.
The "actions of even a very small number of individuals can tarnish the reputation of an entire organisation," he wrote in the latest report of the bank's internal investigations unit.
Particular organizations and individuals typically identified with one stage or with a small number of adjacent stages in the value chain.
if most individuals are bred from a small number of parents, they could be vulnerable to a genetic disease, potentially wiping out almost the whole population at once.
Insurance companies depend on a mix of clients: they need a certain number of healthy individuals (low-risk) to pay premiums and not use a lot of services so that the premium prices can average out.
In afflicted communities, a large number of individuals are in the ranks of survivors and rescuers.
Without the assertion of individuality, without the cooperation of a vast number of individuals, the idea of “we” is bound to be meaningless, fragile, and vulnerable.
It creates a welcome need to conduct a number of interviews with key individuals in the company and to obtain important data with the customer's help.
Although a fair number of obese individuals may have a perfect metabolic profile, it appears they may still experience negative consequences of their excess weight.
Although there seems to be a cap on the average number of things a person can remember at once, basic working memory capacity does vary among individuals.
But, because of the work of a number of outstanding individuals, the Neuron Doctrine would eventually prevail over reticular theory as the nineteenth century drew to a close.
When we report a subscriber number, that represents the total number of individuals who had the feed requested on their behalf on that day.
Dannewitz, a small number of previous studies suggest some antidepressants can negatively affect individuals' cognitive performance, impairing memory and reducing reaction time.
However, through a process known as bioaccumulation, chemicals can become concentrated in individuals over a number of years, stored mostly in fat tissue.
However, through a process known as bioaccumulation, chemicals can become concentrated in individuals over a number of years, stored mostly in fat tissue.