I really want to have a pet dog, but my mother disagrees.
A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits.
Joe has a pet dog. It's very lovely. I want to have one like it.
They eat coyotes, which are much more likely than a mountain lion to eat a pet dog.
And having a pet dog improves your physical and mental wellbeing more than having a cat.
It might seem that having a pet dog would result in considerable physical activity, and that's true, broadly speaking.
International Online Zhuangao: a pet dog, together with the owners roam the world, and traveled on five continents, 29 countries.
People who own a cat are more likely to have a university degree than those with a pet dog, a study by Bristol university suggests.
My mather is silm and pretty, My father is tall and strong. I also have a pet dog called dodo. I'm a curious boy and I'm interest in everthing.
It is said that a pet dog was buried under a white poplar tree, the near 4 square meters' area was surrounded with fence, and there were flowers around the marble tombstone.
Until shortly before her death on April 3rd, aged 69, she wore pigtails dyed to match her miniskirts and bobby socks, and sometimes liked to bring a pet dog or monkey to meetings.
A pet dog as industry is gradually formed breeding, scientific breeding, quality improvement, dog training, display competitions, dog food, dogs with, dog medicine, medical industry structure chain.
It was such a waste! To my surprise, Ollie, our pet dog, walked over to the mess on the floor.
A small dog isn't the most expensive pet in the world, but it certainly will cost you money.
Organizers of "Britain's Most Talented Pet" say they have found a dog that can mow the lawn and play the piano, the Daily Telegraph reported.
A dog dressed in military fatigues participates in the Family Pet Festival in Cali, Colombia.
Seek out a popular dog park, make conversation with those who stop to talk on your daily neighborhood jaunts, or make pet play dates.
This holiday season, 54 percent of dog owners and 41 percent of cat owners are expected to buy their pet a gift.
If you have a dog tag, if you have a registered license number, if you have your pet microchipped -- all the pieces of the pie are going to increase the chances of getting your pet back.
What are our options other than pet store puppies? Find a reputable breeder or adopt your next dog from the local animal shelter or breed-specific rescues!
B: You're right. As people are becoming more and more affluent, the role of the dog has changed from a sentinel to a favorite pet.
He had long since given up being able to care for his pet dog "Pepper", a small, rat-looking, yappy dog who was 16 (112 in dog years) herself.
A woman walks into a pet shop and sees a cute little dog. She asks the shopkeeper, "Does your dog bite?"
Now, we are appalled in the West at the notion of eating dog while considering it natural to have a dog as a pet - I own a Beagle myself (" Ned ") and I'm very fond of him.
Now, we are 13 appalled in the West at the notion of eating dog while considering it natural to have a dog as a pet; I own a 14 beagle myself Ned, and I'm very fond of him.
Now, we are 13 appalled in the West at the notion of eating dog while considering it natural to have a dog as a pet; I own a 14 beagle myself Ned, and I'm very fond of him.