A positive number defines the number of seconds a cache entry exists in the cache.
The precision must be a positive number less than 53; if it isn't, you get an error.
If you get a Positive number after subtracting, and your gut tells you that the change is GOOD, decide to change.
Positive energy balance: If you end up with a positive number, you've achieved the right balance for weight gain.
If "Income From Operations" is a positive number, then your base business is profitable. If it is a negative number, you are losing money.
For example, we do not validate that length is a positive number big enough for a meaningful ruler or that the file specified is a valid image file type for ImageMagick.
This research has been in progress since 1961 and has yielded a great number of positive results.
If you read a number from a file and expect it to be positive, check that it is before further processing with that number.
Instead of simply adding up the number of positive and negative mentions for each concept, the software applies a weighting to each one.
Many women feel that because they or their partner are HIV positive, they can't have children. This is not the case although there are a number of issues that need to be considered.
'For a good number of financial institutions, standing behind their SIVs and taking them on the balance sheet is a very positive step,' Mr. Paulson said.
The issue came to light when Irish broadcaster RTE was handed an email from a hotel executive to a number of colleagues asking them write positive reviews about the property.
I have seen a number of examples where founder liquidity has been a positive instrument for all parties involved.
Although these results are early, and among a limited number of healthy teenagers, we hope this approach to encourage positive interpretations of events will prove to be a powerful tool.
If the update was successful, a positive value indicating the number of records that have been updated is returned.
The first line contains two integers: a positive integer n (0
You could think of this correspondence as a buddy system in which each natural number is paired with some positive fraction, and vice versa.
Bob installed a new system that focused on only one performance measure-a positive one-the number of on-time projects.
There are also a number of factors that can negatively impact the effects of this acceleration; IP transparency for example, completely negates the positive benefits of HTTP multiplexing.
But it's an interesting preliminary finding and it fits in with a number of studies that indicate that video games and social networking can yield positive results when it comes to changing behaviors.
On the positive side, the number of consumers who have a top score of 800 or above has increased in recent years.
Positive prevention has become increasingly important as improvements in treatment have led to a rise in the number of people living with HIV.
While the plan is a positive step in the right direction, there are a number of holes that need to be filled in to bring about a sustained recovery.
You could also write code that USES a positive integer's factors to determine if it is a prime number (defined as an integer greater than 1 whose only factors are 1 and the number itself).
Hatha Yoga is said to have a number of positive effects, such as reducing weight, strengthening muscles and nerves, cleaning out the body, and generally improving health and prolonging life.
Khoza said a huge number of international visitors would be in South Africa in 2010 and each one of them had to leave with a positive image of the country.
The popularity of this book may also be a contributing factor to the huge number of self-help and "positive thinking" seminars and books that we see today.
They now number between 10, 000 and 50, 000, but conservation efforts appear to be having a positive effect.
However, in a significant number of cases of female-positive discordancy, that settling down had taken place ten or more years in the past.
However, in a significant number of cases of female-positive discordancy, that settling down had taken place ten or more years in the past.