Surely that's a positive sign showing that Mr. Bond has a lot of trust in you.
A positive sign was how many Israeli VC firms were opening their doors.
The recent deal with Votorantim Celulose Papel ( VCP ), however, is a positive sign.
最近处理造纸Celulose巴西工业集团 ( 越 ) ,然而,这是一个积极的迹象。
If all ofa sudden stocks stopped going down on bad news that would be a positive sign.
This week, many of our largest corporations reported robust earnings – a positive sign of growth.
And real money supply last year was declining, so the fact that it has reversed is a positive sign.
In a positive sign, the peso surged after the announcement and prices of Mexican bonds strengthened.
We think it is a positive sign and we hope China and Iran can cooperate further in the military field.
It made squawking sounds about every half hour to indicate it wanted to be fed - a positive sign, researchers said.
HAMA is a positive sign in that it may mean the patient is developing an immune response against the neuroblastoma.
A positive sign signifies the assignment of a tape and a negative sign signifies that the tape has not been assigned.
This downward trend is generally seen as a positive sign, a signal that Beijing's recent tightening efforts are working.
China Internet analysts and industry watchers welcomed the move as a positive sign but cautioned against heady optimism.
Of all the negative things that have happened recently, we'll take it as a positive sign that we lost and still went through.
This attention to long-neglected diseases is a positive sign that health is a responsibility shared by the international community.
So getting a cold may be a positive sign that your biochemical defenses are working normally - a glass-half-full view of getting the sniffles.
These are all facts, and on their surface could be interpreted as a positive sign of the great emerging powers counter balancing Europe and the US.
The fact that the financial markets support an iconic company like AT&T is making a big strategic move that can't help be anything but a positive sign.
And this is viewed as a positive sign for there are many paths of ascension and many different goals that soul has in taking an ascending embodiment.
And this is viewed as a positive sign, for there are many paths of ascension, and many different goals that soul has in taking an ascending embodiment.
But at this point in the business cycle, labour force growth is a positive sign. Still, all involved would prefer to see the economy adding far more jobs;
The steady increases are a positive sign for Japan's faltering economy, as global exports have supported the country's recovery amid tepid domestic demand.
It is whether the sign correlates with the severity of myelopathy, and no consensus exists regarding the significance a positive sign in asymptomatic individuals.
Most speculators are always looking for a positive sign in the market. In the short term chart there are three features that one may grab on to if one was really desperate.
Most speculators are always looking for a positive sign in the market. In the short term chart there are three features that one may grab on to if one was really desperate.