Dr Leshner says that Dr Varmus has "no interest in being a potted plant."
The jar is filling quickly, the curled green bills growing like a potted plant.
Maybe a potted plant or flower at home can bring you a little bit of coolness.
Maybe a potted plant or flower at home can bring you a little bit of coolness.
A living air cleaner is created by combining activated2 carbon with a potted plant.
Drag onto the page to add a potted plant for patios or flower boxes, such as ficus, palm, or elephant ears.
If invited to a Dutch home bring a box of good quality chocolates, a potted plant, a book, or flowers to the hostess.
A cutting of devil ' s snare, passed off as a potted plant ( flitterbloom ), was used to murder broderick bode in st. mungo ' s.
一枝魔鬼网,伪装成盆栽的植物(蟹爪兰) ,被用来谋杀在圣芒戈住院的布罗德里克?博德。
Instead of coming out to punch the ball, DE Gea stayed rooted to his spot like a potted plant, essentially giving the Potters the equalizer.
The hottest days of summer begin after the summer solstice. Maybe a potted plant or flower at home can bring you a little bit of coolness.
He experienced awful hallucinations while taking the drug - he wrote about speaking to a man in a bar who turned out to be a shadow cast by a potted plant.
A few other examples of his designs include a porcupine, an alligator, a potted plant, some kind of four-legged beast comprised of keyboard keys, an airplane, and more.
The train was as clean and spruce as I remembered it—the sheets on the bunks immaculately laundered, the windows all decorated with fresh lace curtains and a potted plant.
Interactions of water and phosphorus on growth, roots carbon consumption and yield of spring wheat were conducted by a potted plant experiment under an auto-rain-shelter.
Made from a mix of gray high-quality stone floor, and the format of flowers and green plants potted plant decoration and so on all make the whole space is comfortable and relax.
Sometimes with the help of an overturned cushion, sometimes by means of a large potted plant, other times using the top button of a shirt.
I'd start with an easy to care for houseplant like an umbrella tree or amaryllis or a potted tomato plant out on the deck.
I'd start with an easy to care for houseplant like an umbrella tree or amaryllis or a potted tomato plant out on the deck.
The plant on the right was started at the same time from the same size cutting but over potted in a 4 inch container.
Potted plant and a long term supply of pansy seed, good quality, reasonable price, welcome to patronize.
Potted plant and a long term supply of pansy seed, good quality, reasonable price, welcome to patronize.