While he was first pregnant, Beatie was reported as saying: "Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am."
She married a local man, became pregnant and after three days of labor, she lapsed into unconsciousness and the baby was stillborn.
He gave the old man a suit of clothes and he gave his overcoat to a pregnant woman whose husband had been killed in a mining accident.
A man usually drives his pregnant wife to the hospital, and back home again with the baby.
The first ever pregnant man is now a dad-of-three... and transgender men are following suit by preparing to give birth on the NHS.
News would return two months later that the man had found a job with a lighter workload and that she was pregnant.
It's customary in China for a person to give up his seat to an old or disabled man or a pregnant woman in a crowded bus.
Setting his character's tone, the self-absorbed man locks the door for his own safety when a pregnant woman fleeing from zombies tries to get in.
These include a burly man with his pregnant wife, a teenager with his girlfriend and his baseball team, a haughty businessman, two elderly sisters and a homeless man, among others.
A man and his wife were making their first doctor visit, the wife being pregnant with their first child.
Finally, a woman (or man) with a BMI greater than 30 May have more fertility success if she works to lose weight rather than trying to get pregnant.
American Thomas Beatie (see photo), known as the world's 1st pregnant man, showed off his baby for the 1st time in a photo published on the cover of People magazine 3 weeks after 40 hours of labor.
And yes, I'm a man telling pregnant women that they are wrong about how they feel.
Instead of seeing your daughter ruin her life and go off and become a drug addict and pregnant with a crazy man, why don't you just say it's time to end it?
But I always saw a pregnant woman or the old man stood up, but there will be young, middle-aged man sitting next to her.
But I always saw a pregnant woman or the old man stood up, but there will be young, middle-aged man sitting next to her.