As a public figure, Yao Ming knows what to do in face of this kind of things.
As prescribed by Dryden, tragedy was supposed to concern a heroic man who is a public figure and who undergoes a fall that evokes pity from the audience.
Heller enjoyed being a public figure, making speeches and going to parties.
Heller enjoyed being a public figure, making speeches and going to parties.
These photos have caused renewed debate over how much privacy a public figure is entitled to.
He later apologized for lying about his marriage, saying he behaved inappropriately for a public figure.
She is a public figure but belongs to no one. She will not stay with you, if she thinks you are not sincere.
American people expect a public figure to be a nearly-perfect individual as a role model for other citizens.
He got a lot of negative feedback. The reasoning is, he is a public figure so he should be held to a higher standard.
"As a public figure, the defendant should be aware that fans might imitate his behaviour," said Judge Singgih Budi Prakoso.
“作为一个公众人物,被告应该意识到粉丝很可能效仿你的行为,”Judge Singgih Budi Prakoso说到。
The British Plain English Campaign annually hands out the prize for the most nonsensical remark made by a public figure.
No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.
Meanwhile, the Apple store rejected a Chuck Norris app, a Chuck Norris joke generator, because they claimed it ridiculed a public figure.
I understand that AAA master's work, busy as a public figure certainly has a lot of things lingering around, hoping that he take care of himself.
Today, Zuo Zhengyao is not only a talented artist, but also a public figure going here and there and a manager attending to everything personally.
A person, especially a public figure, you can have multiple personalities face a variety of a variety of life, I love Michael Buddha is that part of that.
The made-to-order paintings are simply markers of this Shared interest, as well as symbols and couriers for how the artist turns himself into a public figure.
Rarely has a public figure understood the codes of fashion so intuitively-big costume jewels (Tom Binns!) with something simple; how to personalize with a brooch.
The widely reviled head of the electoral commission, Maurice Iwu, was recently replaced by that rarest of Nigerians, a public figure held in high esteem in all regions.
Sullivan to introduce the idea of "public figures" – the reports were a matter of public interests and Fan as a public figure should be prepared for more criticism.
Zhuge Liang, a public figure well received by various social strata in the Chinese history, appears as a cultural image of the incarnation of wisdom and the representative of loyalty.
The paintings made to the artist's order by Dafencun painters are simply a marker of this Shared interest, as well as a symbol and Courier for how the artist turns himself into a public figure.
When we ask teens to choose a hero, they usually select an older family member rather than a remote public figure.
When we ask teens to choose a hero, they usually select an older family member rather than a remote public figure.