I went out the back way and walked a quarter of a mile to the railroad tracks.
Soon we arrived at the place, because the island was only three miles long and a quarter of a mile wide.
Almost a quarter of a mile long, this crescent-shaped beach is an ideal spot for surfing, snorkeling and sunbathing.
Down the exit corridor and out the bolt-hole he raced until he stood, gasping for breath, in the jungle a quarter of a mile from the installation.
After walking about a quarter of a mile, they stopped before a detached house surrounded by a wall: to the top of which, Toby Crackit, scarcely pausing to take breath, climbed in a twinkling.
You’ll find yourself on a floor of glass, suspended over the sidewalk a quarter-mile below.
On the first day, hundreds of customers waited for up to 27 hours in a line that stretched a quarter-mile.
Seven years later he almost drowned while failing to jump the Snake River Canyon, a quarter-of-a-mile wide, in Idaho.
七年后,他在爱达荷州试图要飞跃120米左右宽的斯内克河峡谷(Snake River Canyon),那次他失败了,掉在了河里差点被淹死。
Seven years later he almost drowned while failing to jump the Snake River Canyon, a quarter-of-a-mile wide, in Idaho.
七年后,他在爱达荷州试图要飞跃120米左右宽的斯内克河峡谷(Snake River Canyon),那次他失败了,掉在了河里差点被淹死。