Unified Change Management (UCM) is a specific change management process developed by Rational in conjunction with our customers.
Based on best practices adopted by thousands of projects worldwide, the Rational Unified process (RUP) is a software development process that can easily be tailored for specific projects.
Rational Unified Process (RUP)基于全球数千项目所采用的最佳实践,是能够针对具体项目进行方便定制的软件开发流程。
Rational Unified Process is a more traditional, heavyweight technology that's particularly appropriate for large and complex projects.
Rational Unified Process是一种更为传统和重量级的技术,最适合大型项目和复杂项目。
We'll look at a simple fictional project, starting with high-level planning and requirements solicitation and moving through the phases of the Rational Unified Process (RUP).
我们将看一个将单的虚构的项目,并以高层次的计划和需求的引出作为开发,并将过渡到Rational统一过程(Rational Unified Process, RUP)的各个阶段。
The example shows a configuration of the IBM Rational Unified Process framework.
Figure 3: a two-dimensional representation of the Rational Unified process's separation of method content and process.
In the Rational Unified Process (RUP), there are a number of ways that business modeling can be done as part of the RUP inception phase (and therefore in our project's phase 1).
The IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP) defines a model as "a complete specification of a problem or solution domain from a particular perspective."
IBMRational Unified Process(RUP)将模型定义为:“一个问题或者解决方案域从某个特定角度来看待的一个完整的规范。”
The IBM Rational Unified Process, or RUP, is rooted in a set of best practices that address the challenges outlined above.
The recipe also assumes the Rational Unified Process as an approach which implies a use-case-centric approach, including iterative envelopment and visual model.
菜谱还将使用Rational Unified Process作为使用的方法,该方法是以用例为中心的方法,包含迭代开发和和可视模型。
Method artifacts: When following a specific methodology (Rational Unified Process or OpenUP, for example) there is often the need to create models and diagrams.
方法工件:当您按照特定的方法操作时(例如,Rational Unified Process或者OpenUP),通常需要您创建模型和图。
The Rational Unified Process (RUP) tries to reduce the number of factors that contribute to project failure, by improving the efficiency of a team and guiding the team as it matures.
The paper introduces the application of RUP (rational unified process) in the software development with developing a logistics management system.
This paper discusses the Rational Unified Process driven by use case, and gives a solution for capturing the requirement of library management information system.
RUP, namely rational unified process, is a comprehensive and detailed software development process framework from which customized processes is developed.
RUP, namely rational unified process, is a comprehensive and detailed software development process framework from which customized processes is developed.