I, of course, picked the wrong day to wear a sweatshirt under really hot lights, so thankfully, I came prepared with another item from the store.
When driving in a car on a hot summer day, you may see what looks like shimmering water on the road, which, as science tells us, is really just a mirage, an illusion caused by the heating of the air.
But today was really hot and humid so I decided it wasn't a good day to worry about how long or fast I was running.
I feel like I'm drinking a tall glass of homemade sweet tea on a really hot, beautiful day.
I of course picked the wrong day to wear a sweatshirt under really hot lights so thankfully I came prepared with another item from the — from the store.
On a scorching hot Mississippi day, a little girl walks into town by herself to learn whether it really is possible to fry an egg on the sidewalk.
All the people coming back from the United States became used to have their air-con on all day long, and when is really hot outside, inside the rooms it's so cold that they have to wear a heavy coat .
All the people coming back from the United States became used to have their air-con on all day long, and when is really hot outside, inside the rooms it's so cold that they have to wear a heavy coat .