The next month, he called Helms into the studio in Nashville for a recording session.
The nearest thing was one day when I came home early from a recording session and caught her in the living room.
The hardest part for us is finding time where the kids are occupied and we can leisurely have a recording session.
It is easy to be distracted during a recording session and have unexpectedly long think times that have an adverse effect on a load test.
Reporters and security surrounded Henson Studios, anticipating the arrival of limousines delivering the stars Monday afternoon for what is expected to be a marathon recording session.
At the retreat, absolutely no talking is allowed except for a one-hour counselling session a day, and recording a short diary on tape.
Armstrong was such a powerful player, it's said he had to stand 15 feet behind his partners on a 1923 recording session, to avoid upsetting the sound balance.
Recording a Rational Quality Manager session with the HTTP Proxy recorder of the SOA quality extension generates complex test scenarios, which are difficult to understand and to handle.
记录Rational QualityManager与SOA质量扩展HTTP代理记录器之间的会话,会生成复杂的测试场景,它会很难理解和处理。
Yes, change your strings before that important recording session and no, adding compression to increase sustain is not a suitable substitute.
The recording session will reveal how you react in an actual performance, for example, if you make a mistake or have a blackout.
The recording session will reveal how you react in an actual performance, for example, if you make a mistake or have a blackout.