It's like drowning out dissenting opinions in one's own head with a redundant belief.
A redundant robot has more degrees of freedom than what is needed to a unique task.
In my home, I never feel he was a redundant person, as if he has been in my family.
An analog composite output serves as a redundant video source in case of network failure.
Using communications, such as an OSC, will decrease reliability and may require a redundant trigger.
The current equalization design of a redundant actuation system with magnetic flux sum is discussed.
The combination of GPFS and the DS4500 provides for a redundant storage subsystem in case of disk failure.
Storage network layer: the use of multiple storage fiber optic switch to form a redundant storage network.
Figure 1 shows each of the two existing web services sending a redundant web request to create a new web service.
In our case above, we have 2 out of 2 devices working, in which case the [UU] is a redundant bit of information.
Avoid having to retrace your steps to perform a redundant task you could have done more productively at an earlier time.
The power supply of launch site is very important in astronautic industry. A redundant system can be used to ensure the reliability.
The new gallery is housed within the walls of the Tan Gallop, a redundant structure, which was previously used for training racehorses.
There's also a secondary namenode, which isn't a redundant daemon for the namenode but instead provides period checkpointing and housekeeping tasks.
还有一个secondarynamenode,它不是 namenode的冗余守护进程,而是提供周期检查点和清理任务。
If you are creating a redundant solution, it's important to split the primary and secondary switch between the upper half and lower half of the chassis.
This makes temp sensor 1 a redundant sensor for sensor 0. If the temperatures difference between these sensors is to high the print will be aborted.
If the server incorporates a redundant power supply, the backup supply keeps the server running until a technician can replace the failed power supply.
But when we are facing the all-powerful network, under the so-called dematerialization, the value life seems to be a redundant and a kind of sentimental.
Intron is a redundant expression for individual and attached to its algorithm tree, which makes the individual swelling but has no effect to the final output.
It looks for cases where a code path will or could cause a null pointer exception, and it also looks for cases in which there is a redundant comparison to null.
You can move a Shared memory partition running on a server with a redundant paging VIOS setup to a server where there is only one paging VIOS partition available.
The characteristic of the instantaneous stable structure is that the structure's freedom degree is equal to zero, but still the structure remains a redundant constraint.
This is a redundant practice when using ODBC, as the configuration is purely in initialization of the application, and the ODBC functions are androgynous to the database system.
Aiming at education equipment failure causes and characteristics, this paper presents a redundant preparation, promptly eliminate, specific teaching and strict management measures.
Note that there can be many Ceph clients, many object storage endpoints, numerous metadata servers (depending on the capacity of the file system), and at least a redundant pair of monitors.
For the extremely high complexity of usual algorithms for sparse decomposition, a new group matching pursuit algorithm is presented based on a redundant dictionary with several orthonormal bases.
The binding information for replicas is kept in configuration and is dynamically acquired at runtime, so adding a redundant server requires only a configuration update, not changes in source code.
The multi-module UPS can flexibly implement expansion of power system capacities. In order to improve the reliability of whole power system, it can be used to build up a redundant parallel system.
For availability, this computing system was a redundant design, with two sets of processors and buses and the ability to switch between a master and a slave if the master was found to be unresponsive.
For availability, this computing system was a redundant design, with two sets of processors and buses and the ability to switch between a master and a slave if the master was found to be unresponsive.