This configuration should be just like a regular unencrypted configuration, except that it should listen on port 902 and use a name of swat-stunnel rather than swat.
这个配置应该类似于一个常规的未加密配置,只是它应该监听端口902并使用名称swat -stunnel而不是swat。
Born in Tennessee and brought up in Port st Lucie, Florida, Fox was a successful model before landing a regular stint in the television series Hope and Faith in 2006.
福克斯生于田纳西州,在佛罗里达圣路西港(Port StLucie)长大。她是一位成功的模特,后来登陆荧屏,在2006年的电视剧《希望与忠诚》(Hopeand Faith)中获得了固定的戏份后。
For example, in a trader's business, a regular shipment may arrive in port and require combination with another shipment due, before being shipped on, all this done under a DC.
For example, in a trader's business, a regular shipment may arrive in port and require combination with another shipment due, before being shipped on, all this done under a DC.