At the end of the term, he returned home with a report card and pains all over his body.
I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than a report card.
Cris says the "toes are a reflection of the path you walk – a report card from spirit."
If one of my kids came home with a report card like this, I would be a bit disappointed.
Chris said ok. The next week, Chris brought home a report card he had raised all his grades from c's and d's to all a's.
He never stays up late 2 cramming for tests or finishing homework, or worrying about his parents' reaction to a report card.
Suppose a child comes home with a report card with five As and one B. Usually the first thing his parents will say is "Why the B?"
假如一个孩子带回家一张五个A,一个B的成绩单,他的父母亲首先通常会这样问:“为什么得了个B ?”
Susan Pagan of Orlando didn't smile when her 9-year-old daughter Cathy recently brought home a report card that could be traded in for a free McDonald's Happy Meal.
当SusanPagan那9岁大的女儿Cathy最近拿回家一张可以换取一份免费麦当劳欢乐套餐的成绩单的时候,住在奥兰多的Susan Pagan并没有觉得开心。
Her warning would continue, "Users, especially children and pregnant women, should keep this device awayfrom the head and body." (See a report card on cell phones' radiation.)
After two months on an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, I got my first report card.
经过两个月的 ESL(非母语英语课程) 的学习,我拿到了我的第一份成绩单。
Page after page reveals a writer or a novel unread, and therefore a demerit on the great report card of one's cultural life.
Once, in a fit of melancholic vanity, I burned my report card in the sink of the KFC where I worked scraping carbonized grease from the pressure cookers.
The aggregation of this data can be required as a general report card on a system's operational health and capacity or as some form of SLA compliance assessment.
American Express, Visa and MasterCard also suggested that customers report any trouble they have using a magnetic stripe card abroad.
Now some literacy experts want the federal tests known as the nation's report card to include a digital reading component.
I know it's a high-tech world, but it's a good idea to keep files that have your credit report, score, monthly credit card bills, and disclosure statements.
Today, we look back on those 90s-era crises almost wistfully — in retrospect, they feel like painful high-school memories: a bad report card or a rejected PROM invitation.
But when the mortgage lender showed me our joint credit report, I saw that Clarissa had a couple of thousand dollars on her own card.
The reorientation of NASA’s planetary exploration programs is in response to a recent National Research Council report card.
The blue card is less generous than others, notes a forthcoming report from Bruegel, a Brussels-based think-tank.
A longitudinal study of 30,000 Canadian students recently found PISA scores to be more accurate than report-card grades in predicting which kids will go to college.
A longitudinal study of 30, 000 Canadian students recently found PISA scores to be more accurate than report-card grades in predicting which kids will go to college.
According to Nilson Report, a trade magazine, American merchants shelled out $56 billion in payment-card fees last year (see chart), over twice the amount they paid five years earlier.
We process the donations automatically via credit card, tally the results, and report the donation activity via a public "scorecard" in the cause.
Moreover, accountability has always worked for me because, as a stage-four people pleaser, I crave a good report card.
此外,我一直很有责任感,因为作为一个stage - four peoplepleaser,我想要做好它。
A recent report by Europol warned of the rise of cash-machine-related malware - using hardware to steal card information at the machine itself - was still more common.
A recent report by Europol warned of the rise of cash-machine-related malware, although it said "skimming" - using hardware to steal card information at the machine itself - was still more common.
A recent report by Europol warned of the rise of cash-machine-related malware, although it said "skimming" - using hardware to steal card information at the machine itself - was still more common.