There has been a dramatic rise in the number of extreme weather events over the past 20 years, caused largely by rising global temperatures, according to a new report from the United Nations.
British people have the worst quality of life in Europe, according to a report which highlights the long hours, bad weather, low life expectancy and high price of many consumer goods.
The center also broadcasts the latest weather report five times a day, giving details of the expected wave heights.
When a natural weather disaster hits, all other news stops to report the extent of the damage.
Every morning I download and process that data to determine the amount of cloud cover on Titan. The result is that I get a daily weather report for Titan.
After a thorough inspection, the repairman gave me a disappointing report that the reason why my car broke down was that the pipe had been damaged because of the freezing weather.
A full report on weather in two thousand seven will be released at the end of the year.
British people have the worst quality of life in Europe, according to a report which highlights the long hours, bad weather, low life expectancy and high price of many consumer goods.
Survey the weather in your area for a whole week in June. Work in seven groups. Each group makes a weather report of each day of last week.
Survey the weather in your area for a whole week in June. Work in seven groups. Each group makes a weather report of each day of last week.