Nobel Prize was not a retirement pension for me. It just came in the middle of my career.
Pension funds have a duty to guarantee their members' retirement benefits, after all, not cut carbon.
But South Africa also offers access to pension savings, and research by Alexander Forbes, a consultancy, found that 70% of members were taking their benefits in cash before retirement.
然而,南非也同意人们随时取回养老金存款,咨询公司安博(Alexander Forbes)研究发现70%的成员在退休之前就取回了存款。
The Bank of Spain recently issued a warning about a dwindling pension pot, suggesting it was time to push the retirement age above 65.
We now have to rely on our own savings — rather than a company pension plan — to help us survive during retirement.
In some countries (including Britain) means-tested benefits for low earners may be reduced in retirement if a pension is being paid.
"The dramatic drop in the stock market that we saw yesterday will have a direct impact on the retirement accounts, pension funds, and personal savings of millions of our citizens," he said.
To save the pension system, the French parliament is about to pass a law that forces workers to postpone retirement by two years.
Workers will need to work for longer: on current Social Security rules, postponing retirement until 70 results in a 76% increase in payments compared with taking the pension at 62.
If retired, a Retirement Certificate indicating the amount of the applicant's pension.
Meanwhile their pension schemes are steadily being made less generous, a process that will require them to save more, not less, if they want to enjoy a comfortable retirement.
She didn't have a pension after retirement.
They will need to pay more attention to their pension needs: in a 2014 survey, 36% of workers had not saved anything for retirement and 56% had not even tried to work out how much they might need.
Pension, a sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit or by way of patronage.
Thee labor agreement permits staff reductions through attrition and provides increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program to speed the attrition process.
Under the change, any actuarial gains or losses outside a 10 percent range will be recognized during the fourth quarter as a mark-to-market adjustment included in pension and post-retirement expenses.
For instance, people could choose to retire earlier or later, but their retirement age would be linked with a pension.
The change involves pension and post-retirement plans, and a switch to a "mark-to-market" method to recognize actuarial gains and losses in the period when they were incurred.
Article 2 After retirement, workers are provided with a monthly cash pension according to the following standards until their death.
Article 2 After retirement, workers are provided with a monthly cash pension according to the following standards until their death.