Of course, cooking can be a very sociable activity and sharing the end result, a rewarding experience.
Waiting for a fight, waiting for a rewarding experience of the attack.
The reasons vary, but they all believe that taking a minor subject is a rewarding experience.
In the second place, visiting real museums and art galleries is a rewarding experience in many respects.
Here are five useful tips that can help make reading a rewarding experience rather than a dreaded chore.
Our company values you and we hope you will find your employment both a happy and a rewarding experience.
As you read this syllabus, we hope you get a sense of our commitment to making this course a rewarding experience for you.
It was truly a rewarding experience, and as the year progressed, I became more confident that Harvard was indeed where I belonged.
Then there are those who do not know how to win. Winning a competition is a rewarding experience but one also needs to learn how to be a winner.
On behalf of the organizing committee, we wish to invite you to join us in a rewarding experience at the 6th Asian Pacific Congress of Heart Failure 2012.
Multiculturalism can be a rewarding, enriching experience, but it can also lead to a clash of values.
We can learn a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers of English.
Others find talents they never thought they had and learn that delivering a product through collaboration can be an extremely rewarding experience.
Outsourcing the heavy lifting and data storage of your iPhone application to the cloud, through App Engine and Python, can be a very rewarding experience.
通过AppEngine和Python将 iPhone应用程序的繁重任务以及数据存储外包给 “云功能”,是一种非常有益的做法。
Isn't it only fair that you do everything you can to create a rewarding job experience?
Learning how to program is very rewarding, but it can also be a frustrating and solitary experience.
So water droplet shots may be over-done, but for those new to this type of shot, it can be a very rewarding (but time-consuming) experience.
The juxtaposition of younger workers and older clients mirrors positives of family dynamics; the interaction can be a very rewarding experience.
It has been a wonderful, rewarding experience and the one comment that comes to my mind is "I wouldn't have missed it for the world!"
Simple - by making each action-based experience in a game more frequent, more rewarding, and more productive to the player.
We can reap a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers of English.
The years he spent in the countryside proved to be a(n) rewarding experience.
Adopting or rescuing an iguana can be a very interesting and rewarding experience.
With so much going on in college, though, how can you make sure you're heading down a path toward true academic success-and toward a truly rewarding college experience?
You learn so much when you teach others, and this was a very rewarding experience for me.
When you deeply know yourself and the boundaries that you have set, you are more likely to experience a fulfilling and rewarding life.
When you deeply know yourself and the boundaries that you have set, you are more likely to experience a fulfilling and rewarding life.