Now, I have come to believe that these practices have a rightful place in the software engineer's toolkit; used correctly, they can help teams excel.
So how does Rupert Murdoch, a man who is fiercely certain of the value of content, restore it to what he sees as its rightful place as a money-earner in its own right?
Yet with technology, perhaps we can return this funny quirk-of-behavior to it’s rightful place as a communicator.
There's just a feeling that it's high time the world's most populous nation took its rightful place on the high seas.
Yet the feeling that Egypt has lost its rightful place as a country with influence, that it has fallen from grace, is widespread.
The way they see it, the Chinese were waylaid on a 200-year detour as the West surged ahead, but they're coming back to their rightful place.
Baxter Stockman: Inside every human, there's a dormant animal gene. This will return them to their rightful place in the animal kingdom!
During this interval she had become a less vivid and importunate image, receding from his foreground as May Welland resumed her rightful place in it.
Organise your table in such a way that each and every thing is in its rightful place, so that when you need something, you will not need to rummage your entire office space for it.
Yet we wish you to acknowledge that it could not assume it's rightful place with in your planet unless YOU were at a vantage point that is able to receive it.
But a small band of heros clings to the memory of their homeland and quests to restore Tigana once again to its rightful place.
It is set on a remote island, where Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, plots to restore his daughter Miranda to her rightful place using illusion and skilful manipulation.
Even when the item of clothing had been returned to its rightful place, it still left little to the imagination as she pouted for snappers and raised a threatening claw tipped with sharp fingernails.
Even when the item of clothing had been returned to its rightful place, it still left little to the imagination as she pouted for snappers and raised a threatening claw tipped with sharp fingernails.