The article takes a risk analysis on rabies spreading from skin and hair imported from South Africa.
The report should concentrate on the financial appraisal and provide a risk analysis appropriate to the present economic conditions.
Organizations may do this by conducting a risk analysis to choose the physical storage and handling options that are appropriate and feasible for their records.
The final adoption of engineering examples and further demonstrated that the method as a risk analysis techniques have unique advantages and wide applicability.
Fifthly, A risk analysis implementation flow based on Bayesian Networks(BNs) for risk analysis module is presented. In addition, the BNs is applied to risk analysis module of a real case.
In our previous column, we discussed software security analysis at a high level, introduced a methodology for assessing software security, and explained the key characteristics of a risk analysis.
Seeing this link assists you in risk assessment and even in a level of effort analysis.
Estimation is a major factor in enterprise risk analysis and risk management because every enterprise decision makes assumptions about the flow of events, which is largely based on estimates.
Incorporating both risk - and customer-based analysis into your test plan solution will yield a more practical and pragmatic test plan.
This is the first time that scientists have done a systematic analysis of how genes can influence the effect of coffee on heart attack risk.
When it comes to the time you've scheduled, conduct a proper risk analysis around these things, and take whatever actions are necessary to mitigate any risks.
当您所计划的时间到了以后 您对这些担心进行一个合适的风险分析而且做好所需的任何措施以降低风险。
Industry-specific solutions for the finance, risk management, and media and entertainment sectors assist with information analysis on a large scale.
The foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, called for a new risk analysis of the country’s nuclear plants, particularly regarding their cooling systems.
A second analysis showed that taking into account nine known risk factors for heart disease (such as smoking and obesity) explained about 40% of the difference.
A cup or more daily may cut your risk of some types of head and neck cancers, says an analysis of nine studies.
The other analysis found that men who ran 64 or more kilometers a week had a 35% lower cataract risk than those who ran less than 16 kilometers per week.
A Swedish analysis of 16 studies in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine showed a doubling of risk for acoustic neuroma and glioma after 10 years of heavy cellphone use.
However, a recent analysis of 64 studies indicates that sunscreens with 1 to 6 percent oxybenzone don't pose a significant risk of skin sensitization or irritation for most people.
Drinking as few as three to six glasses of wine per week may increase a woman's lifetime risk of breast cancer by 15%, according to an analysis by Harvard researchers.
Just replacing a third of a serving of white rice with brown each day could reduce one’s risk of Type 2 diabetes by 16 percent, a statistical analysis showed. A serving is a cup of cooked rice.
Based on analysis, the authors found there was only a very small association between high intake of fruit and vegetables and a reduced cancer risk.
For a deeper discussion of variance and applied risk analysis, refer to [4] and [10].
Because the risk of introducing a bad language feature is so high, language designers need to be conservative when making the cost-benefit analysis of whether the good outweighs the bad.
You always want to live for another day - so in your risk management plan put some thought into it - but once you have done all the analysis don't remain in a state of paralysis.
Analysis of dietary data from almost 500,000 people in Europe found only a weak association between high fruit and vegetable intake and reduced overall cancer risk.
Analysis of dietary data from almost 500, 000 people in Europe found only a weak association between high fruit and vegetable intake and reduced overall cancer risk.
Risk analysis is a method of identifying risks and assessing potential damages that could occur to justify security controls and safeguards.
The analysis found that adherence to a Mediterranean diet was associated with a 31% reduction in risk of developing the syndrome.
Comprehensive identification is critical, because a risk that is not identified at this stage will not be included in further analysis.
Comprehensive identification is critical, because a risk that is not identified at this stage will not be included in further analysis.