Officers making a routine inspection of the vessel found fifty kilograms of cocaine.
On a routine inspection I discovered a dormant domiciliary account with a BAL.
It could be a routine inspection of the sort most public companies can expect from time to time.
A week later, during a routine inspection, the captain discovered the young woman. "What are you doing here?" the captain asked.
Singapore's Ministry of Defence said the shipment of Terrex infantry carriers had been delayed on November 23 during a routine inspection by Hong Kong Customs.
BEIJING, Dec. 20 (ChinaMil) -- The Hong Kong customs had a routine inspection of ships berthing at the Kwai Chung container terminal as usual on November 23, 2016.
A routine FDA inspection of the practices of the physician who enrolled the most patients - more than 400 - uncovered fraud, including complete fabrication of patient enrollment.
Prevention maintenance: a regular inspection, repair and replacement routine designed to reduce the risk of system failure.
Whether patients with trachea or bronchus foreign bodies should be carried on a routine CT inspection still deserves discussion.
A routine FDA inspection of the practices of the physician who enrolled the most patients - more than 400 - uncoered fraud, including complete fabrication of patient enrollment.
A routine FDA inspection of the practices of the physician who enrolled the most patients - more than 400 - uncoered fraud, including complete fabrication of patient enrollment.