After that, I would give him this during a cold and he'd never get a secondary infection after the cold.
Unless there is a secondary infection, cold sores usually clear up within 10 days, and do not leave a scar.
There are early Suggestions that the virus may be a secondary infection more likely to invade when hosts already are dealing with another infectious agent.
When a child catches the flu, or another virus that causes an upper respiratory infection, the bacteria seize the opportunity and migrate to the middle ear, causing a secondary infection.
Thrush is a degeneration of the frog with a secondary bacterial infection that begins in the central and collateral sulci.
Axillary adenopathy may be part of a generalized process or may be localized and secondary to infection in the limb.
Having uncontrolled allergies can put your child at risk for getting a secondary sinus infection, ear infections, and for having poor concentration at school.
The results indicated that the sparrows could naturally be infected with IBDV and might be a reservoir or secondary infection resource of IBDV.
In cases with a long course, the leukocytes may rise in late stages because of secondary bacterial infection.
In cases with a long course, the leukocytes may rise in late stages because of secondary bacterial infection.