She encouraged a sense of community by creating shelter and promoting education and services for people in need.
She encouraged a sense of community by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need in 1931.
Country life, on the other hand, differs from this kind of isolated existence in that a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants of small villages together.
We hear endless injunctions to managers to build commitment and a sense of community among their staff.
They have a sense of community, which makes them bolder and stronger.
These events bring a sense of community to a sometimes isolated group of parents.
Building a sense of community and an idea of a Shared future, however, will take a lot longer.
There is a sense of community and teamwork that I haven't experienced at other companies.
Join an industry organization or business networking group in order to feel a sense of community.
A frequently-updated product blog promotes transparency, a sense of community and loyalty to your brand.
Social media sites create a sense of community and provide a variety of ways for people to interact.
“A sense of community is hard to sustain in organisations where large pay gaps exist,” Mr Trevor concludes.
There is also a sense of community between life models. Often, jobs are found by mutual recommendation alone.
Tsai and his friends made it their goal to see the arts and a sense of community become part of everyday life.
It is so important to have a sense of community that supports you as you create your own professional destiny.
While London has its seemingly antisocial set of regulations to follow, not everywhere lacks a sense of community.
Latinos still come from all over southern California for baptisms and prayer, social services and a sense of community.
It's true that there are some things that money cannot buy like fresh air, love, a sense of community, and fulfillment.
In order to evoke a sense of community, all apartment towers have semi-public Spaces such as sky-gardens and club areas.
These recreations foster a sense of community and encourage guests to preserve resources and respect the natural environment.
To foster a sense of community at work, his business unit has raised relief funds for a creative-arts public school in New Orleans.
But as a sense of community is becoming a more and more important part of new urban culture, many new public saunas are being planned.
Our brief was to provide a more coherent, premium and Scandinavian SAS expression that would create a sense of community for the SAS customers.
The dramatic atrium, with its wealth of internal visual links, generates a natural ambience conducive to communication and a sense of community.
People are drawn to the vampire subculture for the same reasons theyare drawn to any subculture: for a sense of community of like-mindedenthusiasts.
The most successful stores have used this expertise to create a sense of community far removed from the stereotypical shop staffed by snobbish music nerds.
But there's something about being part of a congregation in particular that seems to build a sense of community and lead to fulfillment for many people.
As a migrant city, Shenzhen is making efforts to promote a sense of community among its residents, part of this is to help expats learn more about Shenzhen.
As a migrant city, Shenzhen is making efforts to promote a sense of community among its residents, part of this is to help expats learn more about Shenzhen.