Even though our earth is rich in water resource, there is still a shortage of water in many places because ocean water can't be used directly.
The difficulty of getting plugged into the grid and a shortage of water to clean panels are common worries.
There is a shortage of water resources in Northwest China where the ecological environment is very brittle.
"We suffer from a shortage of water and we should think about solutions to preserve it rather than using it for agriculture," he said.
Some regions in western China is in such a shortage of water that use of water for local people is awfully difficult. Some villages are even named as "water calling".
Along the way, he met bad weathers, a shortage of food and water and so on.
The local people used to live a hard life because of the shortage of water.
The decisions of the coming years will determine whether a major global crisis of water and food shortage can be avoided.
Infection is more common when there is a shortage of clean water for drinking, cooking and cleaning.
A shortage of fresh water in the South Pacific saw the islands of Tuvalu and Tokelau in a state of emergency.
There is in fact a worldwide water shortage; it can be alleviated by a variety of means, but most of them are costly, such as desalination.
Water is a big deal in Southern California, where demand for it continues to climb, and experts fear a major earthquake could trigger a dangerous shortage of drinking water.
A World Bank statement said there were growing signs of a severe public health crisis because of a shortage of drinking water and a growing failure of the sewage system.
After the disaster, Hiroshima became a total ruin. Refugees were badly injured and in desperate shortage of food and water, which worsened their tragic situation.
Criticism of the project has become widespread, and many people along the Yangtze and in the south say precious water resources should not be sent north, where there has been a chronic water shortage.
However, a severe shortage of chlorination products has been noted and replenishment is urgently needed to enable water supplies to be treated to render it safe for human consumption.
Such heat, in many places that have a shortage of fresh water, is one thing that is in abundant supply.
We also considered a comprehensive July 2010 report from the Natural Resources Defense Council, which mapped areas at high risk of water shortage conflict.
It also said evaporation rates for some inland rivers would increase by 15%. China already faces a severe water shortage, especially in the northern part of the country.
Meanwhile, around a fifth of the world's population suffers from a shortage of drinking water and that fraction is expected to grow.
Unless the various schemes to tackle climate change, over-use and other causes of Australia's water shortage start bearing fruit, a decline of this scale would be enough to kill the Murray dead.
A water shortage followed the collapse of the Los Laureles and Concepcion DAMS, which supply more than a million people in the area with water.
缺水是由为该地区超过一百万人供水的Los Laureles和康赛普西翁大坝的坍塌所引起的。
Facing the shortage of water resources and severe water pollution in our county, the implementation of sewage treatment and reuse is a necessary choice.
Facing the shortage of water resources and severe water pollution in our county, the implementation of sewage treatment and reuse is a necessary choice.