When I watched this lecture, I noticed a slip of the tongue.
In a slip of the tongue the schemer exposed his true motivation.
No one would have known our plans if Jim hadn't made a slip of the tongue.
And the nonsense wasn't a slip of the tongue; it's the official party position, laid out in charts and figures.
However we have all had days when we make a terrible first impression by making an off joke or just saying the wrong thing because of nerves or a simple slip of the tongue.
It occurred to me that the slightest slip of the tongue, the smallest mistake, even a social faux pas can alter our self critical selves momentarily or forever!
But they were no slip of the tongue; similar remarks had been made earlier by a Russian general.
A: First, I'd like to point out a slip of tongue in your question. The G20 Summit is scheduled for April 2 instead of March 2.
Trustworthiness is a man of principle and commitment to one thing you have to others, it can not slip of the tongue, otherwise I would not trust you, it will become increasingly hate you.
Trustworthiness is a man of principle and commitment to one thing you have to others, it can not slip of the tongue, otherwise I would not trust you, it will become increasingly hate you.