Most European and Asian universities provide an elite service to a small number of people.
Don't assume your results are valid if a small number of people voted.
We don’t want to work on problems that only affect a small number of people.
Only a small number of people might use smoking as an escape, to relieve their frustrations.
A small number of people who recover subsequently relapse or develop delayed onset encephalitis.
That is, if you are one of these commune communities, then you're just a small number of people.
Only a small number of people were using it, and its creator had abandoned it in favor of new projects.
Almost all the benefits of economic growth since then have gone to a small number of people at the very top.
Although a small number of people are enriched by the system, the vast majority suffers from its consequences.
Until recently, The Release Technique was only available to a small number of people through private classes.
Now according to Kendler, this change will affect a small number of people - less than 30 percent of the bereaved.
The children can get better medical care and education is no longer limited to a small number of people exclusively.
"This proves that for a small number of people, this is an entirely proper and valid and successful operation," he said.
The world has a small number of people who are really satisfied with their lives and a large number of people who do not.
The MK-ULTRA program was originally run by a small number of people within the CIA known as the Technical Services Staff (TSS).
Cycling procedure requires you to fill out a matrix, and then no longer earn any money, only a small number of people get paid.
A small number of people do seem to have a pimple like reaction to certain food groups, chocolate is one, but more commonly, nuts.
There are a number of factors contributing to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a small number of people in this country.
In heavily populated countries like India, even a small number of people moving into the middle class made for an awe-inspiring spectacle.
The most common form of seats, it appears in various grades of dining space, a small number of people have a good choice for dinner party.
The truth is often in a small number of people, but few people must obey the truth is most people, in most people's hand, parrot is piling up.
Please the United States "those with a small number of people (requires China to explain the carrier use)", "let go" of today's state leader!
Although the problem happened in a small number of people, but if not stopped, not education, their spread will lead to disastrous consequences.
Domain hijackers have been known to send out mass transfer requests hoping that a small number of people will actually accept the transfer request.
I partly agree. With power of Internet increasing, TV will not be replaced or disappear. There still have a small number of people choose television.
It is funny the number of ways in which profits can be transferred from "a small number of people" (private entrepreneurs) to "all the people" (the state).
It is funny the number of ways in which profits can be transferred from "a small number of people" (private entrepreneurs) to "all the people" (the state).