We're going to have a Sports Day.
Tzu Chi volunteers in Vancouver, Canada held a sports day event for elderly people at the Oak Tree House senior center in Richmond. Everyone present was amazed by the seniors' abilities.
Some people might argue physical fitness wins the day for the players and teams, whereas, others believe a key factor in any sports activity is mental attitude.
It's necessary for us to play sports an hour a day at school.
His mother came from a wealthy family and wanted him to attend business school, but he left after one day and instead studied sports science in Lisbon.
In a campaign entitled "tobacco Kills - Don't Be Duped" for World No tobacco day on Wednesday, the organisation criticised the sponsorship, and advertising of tobacco in films, music and sports.
Twitchange was a 10-day auction that ended last weekend where anyone could bid on more than 100 famous actors, musicians and sports stars volunteering their tweets.
Twitchange是一项为期10天的拍卖活动,本次活动由eBay承办,网友可以通过eBay的在线拍卖系统Kompolt进行竞拍,拍卖已于上周末结束。 参加本次拍卖的有著名演员、音乐家和体育明星等100多位社会名流,每个人都可以对他们自愿提供的推文喊价,价高者得。
Those of us who still get our news and sports results from a newspaper-usually end up with a mess to store until recycling day.
Logically, the shoes seem like a good idea for people standing much of the day, he says, but he recommends they be used with caution for running or other heavy sports activities.
But being with older children for the entire school day-and perhaps for grade-based extracurricular activities such as sports-can make a child feel inferior in every realm outside of academics.
Athletes in many sports now have to make themselves available for an hour every day for a possible "out of competition" check.
The only time I used the card that day was to buy a pair of sports shoes at Carrifour on Jinqiao Road.
Specifically, it sports good momentum, a rising 50-day moving average and good volume.
I have a dream that one day, I can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.
The most popular ways to honor fathers are giving gifts and CARDS, preparing breakfast or dinner, enjoying a day at the beach and playing sports.
So you could be friends with people you work with every day, a shopkeeper who you see almost every other day, or members of a sports club or other activity that you see nearly every week.
Titan Sports reached its peak in 2002, when the men's national soccer team made it to the World Cup finals, with circulation exceeding 1.5 million copies a day.
We are here for a big day of sport; we are here for a dream of sports.
Wednesday afternoons and all day Saturday are set aside for sports as a rule in boarding schools.
They took a chance on the weather and decided to hold the sports meet next day.
Lisa: Sports Day is next week and we need a mascot. And everybody thought of you.
We have a sports meeting last term. It has last for a day. I think it's funny, just like a game.
The Bento is still used by workers as a packed lunch, by families on day trips, for school picnics and sports days etc.
The most I would dream of was to open a Sports Center one day, if that can be considered a dream.
The most I would dream of was to open a Sports Center one day, if that can be considered a dream.