And a standing wave means there is a geometric constraint which is what?
A scalar wave tends to propagate as a transverse wave or a standing wave.
Methods Use a standing wave tube to measure the sound absorption coefficient of many kinds of grain.
Their mutual self-supporting pose is continuously almost-falling, like a standing wave in a spring creek.
The trajectories of particle movements in a standing wave acoustic field are recorded by fast-speed video camera.
A momentum transfer of a moving three level atom interacting slantingly with a standing wave laser field is analysed.
Cyberspace consists of transactions, relationships, and thought itself, arrayed like a standing wave in the web of our communications.
A standing wave tube measurement system is presented for measuring low frequency acoustic properties of underwater acoustic materials.
It is found that the density structure of one dimensional interference fringes of Bose Einstein condensates is in form of a standing wave.
We have investigated the localization of the two atoms passing through a standing wave in an optical cavity by measuring the field quadrature.
The dipole forces steady solution of a ladder-type three-level atom of nearly equispaced energy level driven by a standing wave is derived from the atomic master equation.
According to Peter Handel of the University of Missourithat can, in the right circumstances, create a standing wave of electromagneticenergy which makes the surrounding air glow.
They love to see themselves as brave, "truth" -wielding Galileos standing up against a wave of pseudo-scientific indoctrination.
The resulting standing wave is a swirling motions such as might result if we swirled water in a round-bottomed cup.
Standing wave have been defined as a kind of vibration in some references.
Acoustic standing wave gyroscope is a type of vibrating gyroscope which can, provide high accuracy.
Standing traveling wave boundary condition (STWBC), clear in concept and easy to implement, is a newly proposed absorbing boundary condition.
Instantly a warm wave of relief flowed through him. A colourless, crushed-looking woman, with wispy hair and a lined face, was standing outside.
The electron back bombardment phenomenon, which results in anomalous increase of gun current emission, has been observed in a series of our side coupled standing wave accelerating tubes.
The simulated results show that a stable acoustic standing wave is formed in bubble column under the geometric arrangements and the transducer boundary condition employed in this study.
The theory and corresponding experiment of the intensity profile modification of a Gaussian laser beam by an ultrasonic standing wave (controlled by electricity) are reported and discussed.
The single standing wave mode in a circular cylinder subjected to a vertical oscillation was studied by employing two-time-scale perturbation expansions.
F ROM above, a method to realize the testing of cable partiality online by ultrasound standing wave is advanced.
Whereas in the vicinity of solar equator, propagating disturbance is regarded as fast mode wave, and a standing disturbance is found to be located near the source region.
The partial standing wave hydraulic performance in front of breakwater is studied by a two dimensional numerical wave flume.
In this paper, their interaction between the two-level atomic quantized translational motion and internal state population in a quantized standing-wave cavity are studied.
A two-dimensional numerical wave flume is established to study the breaking standing wave action on a vertical-wall structure in the case of regular wave.
In order to have an electron in a stationary orbit this implies standing wave.
This paper introduces a kind of measuring method of standing wave ratio on-line.
This paper introduces a kind of measuring method of standing wave ratio on-line.