Australia, plunged into grief despite its carping, talked of holding a state funeral for him.
THE mood in Britain on October 20th combined that of a football cup final and a state funeral.
On March 17th he had his wish, or most of it: a state funeral for all the poilus at Les Invalides, and then a simple family burial.
Newton died at the age of 85 and was given a state funeral; he was buried at Westminster Abbey in London, where an ornate tombstone marks the site.
Jason and Rachael Storm held their wedding at a funeral home in US State of Michigan, where he is a funeral director.
Mr. Roh's family agreed to a state-assisted public funeral, likely to occur on Friday.
Funeral culture of the complex, they can reflect the life of a local state of civilization and the idea of change.
Its casket was moved to a military academy yesterday, that's where his state funeral is scheduled to happen tomorrow.
Whitney Houston's body has been flown from California to her home state of New Jersey, ahead of a funeral expected later this week.
Whitney Houston's body has been flown from California to her home state of New Jersey, ahead of a funeral expected later this week.