His brakes failed on a steep hill.
My car sometimes jibs at a steep hill.
His small car sometimes jibs at a steep hill.
Drigung monastery is on a steep hill, overlooking our camp.
They soon turned to the left and began going up a steep hill.
As I ran, I heard some small stones falling from the side of a steep hill.
On my way to Jim's home I saw a little boy pushing a bicycle up a steep hill.
Think about it, if you try to run up a steep hill it’s nice to have a little momentum.
You may want to find a place with a steep hill so that you can practice on an incline .
Your sled starts moving sooner and moves faster on a steep hill than on a gentle slope.
Can you really strike a deal, or even chat, while huffing and puffing 10 up a steep hill?
We crossed the once-fortified divide, and rode down a steep hill to the village of Rasdorf.
The coach let us off at the bottom of a steep hill where a number of local artisans had set up booths.
When you walk down a steep hill, the pressure on your knees is equal to three times your body weight.
Craco, Italy, was once a thriving village built along a steep hill in the southern province of Matera.
Find a steep hill that's at least 50 to 75 meters long, and run hill repeats on it once every two weeks.
找一段至少50 - 75米长的陡坡,在上面反复跑,每两周跑一次。
Mr. Knecht said that 315 million years ago, this place was near the side of a steep hill where sediment piled up quickly.
The Mill sits amongst a collection of disused farm buildings that nestle into a steep hill over looking a valley in the Scottish Borders.
If we have a small engine, and we have to pull the car up a steep hill, a difficult hill, the engine is more likely to collapse, to blow up.
Across a stream and up a steep hill is Ms. Foster’s Victorian cottage. With lavender blush white petunias in a window box and lace curtains, it is clean as a summer cloud.
If you park along that loop and peer over the side of a steep hill, you can see something that nobody in the entire 20th century saw: Twelve Mile River, flowing unimpeded.
The central idea is based on the Greek methodical character Sisyphus who was forced to roll a large stone up a steep hill, which tumbles back down when it reaches the top.
The son Álvaro Leite Siza Vieira is best known for his Casa Tolo in northern Portugal, a residence that cascades down a steep hill like a clunky staircase fit for a giant.
Walking East may take you off a cliff, while walking South may only take you along its gently sloping edge. West would take you up a steep hill, and North leads to level ground.
Furnishings, which had to be carried across a shaky bridge over the stream and then up the steep hill, posed a challenge.
Furnishings, which had to be carried across a shaky bridge over the stream and then up the steep hill, posed a challenge.