After being bitten by a stray dog, Gail was wary of all dogs.
A baby gets no better treatment than a stray dog... what an indictment of today's society.
Suddenly I saw a stray dog looked up with poor looked at me, as if to say: "can you help me?"
All last night the wind howled like a stray dog, and the rain still pours on without a break.
A family befriends a stray dog, names him Willy, and decides to keep him. From a true story by Reiko Sassa.
Jodie approached Minnie to see if her neighbor could identify the owner of a stray dog that Jodie had recently rescued.
Suddenly I saw a stray dog looked up with poor looked at me, as if to say: "can you help me? I am so hungry, my body is itching, can you help me?"
But, life always finds a way to surprise you when you least expect it and one evening your son or daughter might enter the house accompanied by a stray dog.
Sri Lanka's dog population is estimated at 2.3 million in a country of 19.5 million people, and about 20,000 to 30,000 people are annually treated for stray dog bites.
Sri Lanka's dog population is estimated at 2.3 million in a country of 19.5 million people, and about 20, 000 to 30, 000 people are annually treated for stray dog bites.
The dog is not thin, because it does not miss. Thin, because he was thinking of others. Always miss torture a poor stray dog, miss.
One of the few creatures on foot Tuesday was a small stray dog that nosed its way past an emptied patisserie with a placard in its front window advertising a live Flamenco show for March 20.
The person always misses the torture, in misses inside makes a pitiful stray dog.
As they opened their canned meat, a tired Mikael Lindnord noticed a scruffy, miserable stray dog staring at him out of the corner of his eye.
In the neighbourhood of the elephant shed, there was a scrawny, poorly fed, stray dog.
Dog Man, for instance, used to walk around the neighborhood with a pack of stray dogs he had befriended.
One of the boys replied, "This dog is just a stray. We all want him, but only one of us can take him home."
In order to feed its stray dog and cat population, Istanbul used a vending machine which also recycles litter.
But in the United States, where pet vaccination and stray-dog-control programs are strong, rabies has a different face: Raccoons and skunks are by far the top four-legged viral hosts.
One day, Ming li met a stray little dog to see if it really endearing to adopt it.
Chia-chu continued on his way, peering right and left as he went like a hungry stray dog on the prowl.
Chia-chu continued on his way, peering right and left as he went like a hungry stray dog on the prowl.