Police said the car failed to negotiate a bend in the road, hit the kerb, then smashed into a telegraph pole.
One of the bravest men that I ever saw was a fellow on top of a telegraph pole in the midst of a furious fire fight in Tunisia.
On a bridge outside Oyugis, a small town a couple of hours' drive south of Kisumu, angry Luos have overturned a lorry, pulled down a telegraph pole and are waiting.
The premise of a Beveled building, say architects Ayeneh Office, who redesigned it, was to hide unprepossessing views of a telegraph pole and ugly building opposite.
On the second trip of the afternoon he ran into a crowd about half way along the line, that had blocked the car's progress with an old telegraph pole.
On the second trip of the afternoon he ran into a crowd about half way along the line, that had blocked the car's progress with an old telegraph pole.