Opera was commonplace in Italy for almost a thousand years before it became commercial as a venture.
It took nearly a thousand years before they perfected the process to produce high-quality ceramics known as porcelain.
A thousand years before Luke Skywalker, a generation before Darth Bane, in a galaxy far, far away…
A thousand years before Plato lived, a truly amazing civilisation thrived here in the eastern 4 Mediterranean.
But in just a tiny sliver of its history - the last few thousand years - the patterns of vegetation altered much faster than before.
In this case, the formation of Jupiter-mass worlds may only take a few thousand years to form, well before the planet-building materials are ejected from the system.
IMAGINE a small group of farmers tending a rice paddy some 5,000 years ago in eastern Asia or sowing seeds in a freshly cleared forest in Europe a couple of thousand years before that.
On a visit 150 years ago Mark Twain wrote wryly of the three-millennia-old city: “She has looked upon the dry bones of a thousand empires, and will see the tombs of a thousand more before she dies.”
150年前马克.吐温(MarkTwain )访问大马士革时幽默的评论这座三千年的古城:“她已经见识了一千个帝国的枯骨,而在她消亡之前,它会再看到另外一千个帝国的坟墓。”
An autorickshaw would cost twelve, fourteen thousand to buy, a small tea shop four times as much. That meant thirty, thirty-five years of such work before they could do anything else.
The Gen'Dai that would become Durge was born two thousand years before the fall of the Republic, and was regarded by his elders as an exceptional physical specimen at a young age.
We were fluttering, wandering, longing creatures a thousand thousand years before the sea and the wind in the forest gave us words.
Standing before the compound, it seemed to Dinin as if the place were a thousand years removed from that time of glory.
If there had to be a limit of time before the love, I hope it would be ten thousand years.
Originating from ancient Chinese paintings, colored rock painting, boasting a history of a thousand years, once was a dominating category in China before the rise of Chinese ink-wash painting.
This time we're going way, way back in time - a thousand years back in time - to the Original family's life before they were vampires.
Chiseled into a 15 sun-bleached rock cliff, they peered down at them, as they had nearly two thousand years before, Laila imagined, at 16 caravans crossing the valley on the Silk Road.
Chiseled into a 15 sun-bleached rock cliff, they peered down at them, as they had nearly two thousand years before, Laila imagined, at 16 caravans crossing the valley on the Silk Road.