It's a trivial matter, by looking at what is the weight and how far does it drop, to say OK, how much work is done by the paddlewheel.
Identifying accessibility evaluation points is not a trivial matter.
When there were no clocks and wrist watches, it wasn't a trivial matter to tell the time.
In order to keep death from being a trivial matter, when a player dies they lose some money.
We may not be able to do great things, but we can do with a great love for each a trivial matter.
A lie concerning a trivial matter used fot good intention is certainly better than a sinister lie.
The calculation of these velocity and displacement curves from the accelerogram is not a trivial matter.
It has been proved again by them that the HollyWood super stars always make marriage as a trivial matter.
Even in a trivial matter, consideration for each other is necessary, which is spring water in a wilderness.
Remember it was something that I remember things, although the matter to others, perhaps only a trivial matter.
Even such a trivial matter of giving a name card should, to be perfectly polite, be given and received in this manner.
Emoji may sound like a trivial matter, but "it is a way to augment texts with clear expressive power", he told the BBC.
Although this is only a trivial matter, but I understand from the deep to accept the help of others hearts will be very warm.
On the other hand, to make the most of Cappuccino, you need to learn Objective-J, which might not be a trivial matter for web developers.
另一方面,为更好地利用Cappuccino,您需要学习Objective-J 语言,这对于web 开发人员来说也许不是小菜一碟。
Professor Espie, who believes better treatment for sleep deprivation should be available on the NHS, added: 'This is not a trivial matter.
So, it's a trivial matter, by looking at what is the weight and how far does it drop, to say OK, how much work is done by the paddle wheel.
Some years ago Yale University law professor Charles L. Black, Jr. , wrote: "… forced feeding on trivial fare is not itself a trivial matter."
But he knew that a nation's honour is not a trivial matter; we had not come through the centuries to betray those who had relied on our promises.
This proverb indicates that even in such a trivial matter as a loan, keeping one's word to the letter is necessary if one wants to have smooth dealings with others.
Though it was a trivial matter, yet to a little matter, yet to a little girl like me with two treasured short braids, it was a good as a ludicrous form of punishment!
This is a trivial matter. That’s a longwinded answer to your question: I was not prepared for the amount of press that was attached to the picture because of Madame Sarkozy.
From a trivial matter can be seen: in 1938, the German army staff map of the survey and surveying a mobilization order: in order to meet future operational needs to print some maps.
When Mammy returned she would resume her lecture on Scarlett's breach of hospitality, and Scarlett felt that she could not endure prating about such a trivial matter when her heart was breaking.
Also, rolling out new technology to thousands of servers is a non-trivial matter.
At first, mapping both frameworks seems a trivial task — a matter of analyzing the phases, milestones, iterations, and artifacts.
If you are an expert on any subject, a film-maker who makes silly errors can be annoying - the trivial matter of incorrect MEDALS on military personnel is the one that gets my goat.
"It's a non-trivial matter to build your own index ofEnglish pages, so why not partner with someone who already does thatwell? " said Kaiser Kuo, a spokesman for Baidu.
"It's a non-trivial matter to build your own index ofEnglish pages, so why not partner with someone who already does thatwell? " said Kaiser Kuo, a spokesman for Baidu.