Professor Sutherland's "differential association theory" had a very high position in American's criminology's history.
This may not buy you a very good position in the business world, but it will certainly get you a very high-paying job in the legal world.
A specialist position is normally envisaged to be one that may not have any particular managerial role but requires a very high level of technical or artistic expertise.
I Use a Standard Directional Light for Simulating a Very high Sun Position with Sharp Shadows.
The grammar teaching has the very strong leading function to the English teaching of the high school. What position it is in high school is really a problem deserved researches.
High school education occupies a unique position in the education system, and has a very great effect on a man's education.
High school education occupies a unique position in the education system, and has a very great effect on a man's education.