It is pure, white and deadly, as Professor John Yudkin described 40 years ago in a revolutionary book of that name.
正如约翰·尤德金(John Yudkin)教授在40年前出版的同名革命性著作中所描述的那样,它纯净、洁白但致命。
It is pure, white and deadly, as Professor John Yudkin described it 40 years ago in a revolutionary book of that name.
James Fox is best known as the author of "White Mischief," and he is currently working on a new book.
It's a God symbol. It's even the same as the typical children's book iconography of the curls and the white beard.
It's a God symbol. It's even the same as the typical children's book iconography of the curls and the white beard.
I'm not certain why this recipe for steak in a white wine, shallot, and bone-marrow sauce is where the book naturally opens to.
That's the message behind Is Marriage for White People?, a new book by Stanford Law professor Ralph Richard Banks.
There's a proud White House tradition of cashing in — er, signing lucrative book deals — on the way out the door.
To cite another recent post, he played off the book, Stuff white People Like, and created a list of things enjoyed almost exclusively by whites.
MARTIN: Gregory Williams wrote the book "Life on the Color Line: the True Story of a White Boy Who Discovered he Was Black."
Connor A very different writer, but Flannery O'Connor has a book called Revelations which is about this very smug person, "Thank goodness, I'm not white trash."
He has also written a book called "Life on the Color Line: the True Story of a White Boy Who Discovered he Was Black."
Beginning with the second edition in 2001, Introduction to Algorithms' cover acquired a blue tint, which cost it its decade-old nickname 'the big white book.'
[" subway, "1986 and 2003.] But I started in black and white, so there's a whole passage in this new book with subway photographs that are equally good.
Other shortcomings include the inability to flip the screen (I'd like to hold my netbook like a book) and the inability to make the text white with a black background.
In this book, the authors provide quick reminders in the white space of the columns for specific terms that you might need a reminder of.
Our first stop was at Peggy's Cove where ghostly white boulders cradle a child's picture-book lighthouse.
Then a grill man told him the secret: order “the white steak,” a common euphemism for pork in Israel, and one of the inspirations for the name of the book.
Then a grill man told him the secret: order "the white steak," a common euphemism for pork in Israel, and one of the inspirations for the name of the book.
To everyone else, especially the people wearing white coats and carrying big needles, I announced I was writing a book about cancer.
Each book is a black word printed on the soul of the white paper, as long as my eyes, my mind contact with it, it will live up to.
Every student received a small, white workbook. All written work from the student book must be done in it.
As if in suspension, this building exudes a lightness that enhances the facade's white concrete, for which the matrix draws inspiration from the edge of a book.
Aspire to success, you must study hard, devotion, constancy to read a book. As students, the school's goal is to better white water rafting books, reading success.
REMOVING the sleeve reveals a book that is entirely white, except for the names of its author and subject in elegant black type on the spine.
After they've read my book, people may be forced to conclude that Grindelwald simply conjured a white handkerchief from the end of his wand and came quietly!
A key part of Orwell's book is the way that the Party uses simplistic slogans to warp reality, so Black is White, 2+2=5, War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.
A key part of Orwell's book is the way that the Party uses simplistic slogans to warp reality, so Black is White, 2+2=5, War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.