When she heard him say this she looked at her cousin openly for the first time with the eyes of a woman in love.
Seton, I may not know you as well as I know my own daughter, but I do know what a woman in love looks like.
Before long, Donna noticed a few things missing, but she was a woman in love and excused them away without telling anyone.
During the law of love: love of men in a hurry when physical intimacy, a woman in love during the psychologically prepared to close.
The hero of the story is in love with a woman who does not love him.
In Tristan and Isolde, this release from life is achieved by the self-sacrificial love of a woman who is prepared to share her lover’s non-existence and unite with him in death.
There was very little about him for any woman to love...a hardened professional soldier limited in education and outlook.
A woman can be proud and stiff When on love intent; But love has pitched his mansion in; The place of excrement; For nothing can be sole or whole That has not been rent.
When Mary discovered that George was not in love with her, George discovered that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned .
So it was a surprise to see that in the new romantic comedy 'Our Family Wedding,' America Ferrera and Lance Gross play a Mexican woman and an African-American man in love.
After her death in 1886, hundreds of others were discovered in a wooden chest, and a new legend grew up, sweet with pathos, of a woman too delicate for this world, disappointed in love.
1886年艾米丽去世之后,人们在一只木箱中发现了数百封她的诗作,一个新的传奇随即诞生。 她忧郁中带着甜美,作为女子,在这个个世界上又显得太过娇弱,爱情带给她的只是失落。
In almost every case, a man and woman marry because they are in love, and they are in love because their love bank balances are above the romantic love threshold.
Gwyneth Paltrow Thomas Kent (Gwyneth Paltrow) is cast as Romeo after impressing Shakespeare, in Shakespeare in love. But Thomas Kent is really a woman who falls in love with Shakespeare.
She could see the suspicion in the other women's eyes: she, a childless woman whose husband was enjoying a round of golf with their husbands-what urgency could she have but a secret love affair?
The underlying theme is often one where a man has “fallen in love” with a woman, and then he goes through many herculean challenges to win her over.
Now mix in the fact that a vampire is searching for eternal love and needs a woman to survive; you've got yourself the ultimate bad boy.
Whileon leave Alfie falls in love with a young woman in London.
Then, aged 34, having split up with her long-term partner, and in another relationship with a man, she found herself falling in love with her housemate – a woman.
Clarke, Stewart and Mr Everitt had all been involved in a tangled love affair with a woman called Fiona Statham, who was 19 at the time of the murder.
克拉克、斯图尔特以及埃维里特全都卷入了一位名叫费奥娜·斯塔桑女子的紊乱爱情纠葛之中。 在这次谋杀案发生时她才19岁。
The woman that you "formerly loved", gave her life without question or complaint to a man "in love with a crown of thorns"!
In the film Knightley plays an aristocratic woman that is trapped in a marriage to a man who is in love with his mistress.
He saw and won the love of a high minded and beautiful woman, in one of the northern states, and they were affianced.
He saw and won the love of a high minded and beautiful woman, in one of the northern states, and they were affianced.