Provide the ability to evolve as the concepts in your head evolve.
You must be able to show the ability to evolve your thinking and the capacity to expand your skill sets.
Because genericness adds entropy, you damage your ability to evolve the design in interesting ways early in the project.
In principle, vaccination of domestic chickens and other birds could limit the virus's transmission and thereby its ability to evolve into a more transmissible form.
Pathogens continually evolve, confounding the ability of the immune system to recognize them.
Thompson also fears that the pace of climate warming is faster than the ability of plants - particularly long-lived trees - to adapt and evolve, leaving some at risk of dying out in many areas.
Efforts are also needed to monitor and assess the ability of institutions to respond as demands evolve.
As the systems evolve, there is the need for different forms of test harnesses, including the ability to mock or stub out parts that are not yet ready for prime time.
It requires a minimum basic level of maturity, ability to change and evolve, self-motivation, honest intentions to excel as a team and constant mentoring.
SaaS application architectures which force you to make decisions that lock you into a particular technology stack will compromise the ability of a SaaS application to evolve and adapt.
The life spans of even the longest-lived animals may be just too brief for cancers to easily evolve the ability to leap to another body.
If the calculated age is correct, SIV has had millennia to evolve its ability to live in its hosts without causing AIDS.
Wireless capabilities have helped the PDA evolve, which has in turn improved the user's ability to communicate in the way people want to communicate, while on the move.
The so called "God given human nature" comes from the gene. The replication of gene is the force behind the ability of all living creatures, including human beings, to sustain, reproduce and evolve.
The so called "God given human nature" comes from the gene. The replication of gene is the force behind the ability of all living creatures, including human beings, to sustain, reproduce and evolve.