The main sacrificial altar with a large ramp stood in that courtyard as well as a basin that was there for ablutions.
Then also entered the ablutions.
She sprang out of bed and accomplished the two ablutions of soul and body, her prayers and her toilet.
It can be removed or reduced through rituals of ablutions or just the passage of time or other sorts of ritual observances.
The suntanned his light shoulders by the banks of the river when bathing, performing the sacred ablutions , the sacred offerings.
Also, moral impurity is not removed or reducible through rituals, through washings and launderings, ritual ablutions and the like.
Watch any Frenchman at a campsite in the summer and see how long he spends shaving, trimming his moustache, and on general ablutions.
A few days before I arrive in Banda, one of the gang's youngest members, a 14-year-old girl, had been attacked with a 32 sickle as she went for her morning 33 ablutions in the fields.
A few days before I arrive in Banda, one of the gang's youngest members, a 14-year-old girl, had been attacked with a 32 sickle as she went for her morning 33 ablutions in the fields.