And, a common requirement is the transformation of GPS heights into heights above mean sea level.
With an elevation more than 3,659 meters (12,000 feet) above mean sea level, the Altiplano is much higher than the Chaco to the east.
The focal plane of the light is 200 feet above mean sea level, and in clear weather it should be seen at a distance of 23 nautical miles.
IS the parenthetical figure following DH, DA or MDA which, when added to the touchdown zone, runway end, or threshold elevation, will give the DH, DA or MDA in feet above mean sea level.
It passes through some of the worlds highest mountain passes in the world, with a mean altitude in between 2 to 3 miles above sea level.
It passes through some of the worlds highest mountain passes in the world, with a mean altitude in between 2 to 3 miles above sea level.