Exposed to radium, a kind of radioactive material in the universe, people absorbed radiation and got sick immediately.
Finally the methods which decrease the absorbed radiation dose of patients while the image quality wasn't deteriorated have been put forward.
The sensitivity coefficient of air temperature above the glacier to variation of global radiation is related well with albedo and absorbed radiation.
Heisenberg replaced the unobserved orbits of Bohr's atomic model with a series of mathematical entities representing observed quantities, such as the radiation emitted or absorbed by an atom.
This number indicates how much radiation is absorbed by the body when using the handset at maximum power.
Astronomers detected a bright fluorescent signal, caused by radiation from the nearby star being absorbed by methane and released as light.
The days are longer, too, meaning that more radiation is absorbed in northern climes during the 24-hour cycle.
Ionizing radiation exposure is measured as "absorbed dose" in gray (Gy).
The ionizing radiation from the high altitude burst can travel for hundreds of miles before being absorbed. Significant ionization of the upper atmosphere (ionosphere) can occur.
The molecules emit the infrared light that they have absorbed ultraviolet radiation from the star or have been heated by the wind from the star.
The Earth’s surface emits infrared radiation it has absorbed from the sun. Greenhouse gases partly trap that energy as heat, keeping the planet habitable.
It can be utilized to measure absorbed doses in radiation processing.
While in the form of radiation, the energy may travel a tremendous distance before being absorbed or changed back into heat.
This paper reports absorbed dose rate in air for natural radiation and concentration radionuclides for food.
A unit of energy absorbed from ionizing radiation, equal to 00 ergs per gram or 0.0 joule per kilogram of irradiated material.
The simulations of ground temperature and earth absorbed net solar radiation are lower than the observation. Sensible heat and latent heat are also lower than the observation.
It can be utilized to measure absorbed doses in radiation processing.
When light (EM radiation) falls onto an object, some of this radiation is absorbed by the object and converted into heat for example, and another part is reflected off of it and into your eyes.
It can be utilized to measure absorbed doses in radiation processing.
Experiments were designed and conducted on spacecraft thermal coating to simulate an absorbed dose profile from synchronous altitude radiation by varying the energy of incident electrons and protons.
This gamma radiation is absorbed by atoms.
In ICRP 1990 Recommendations, a new weighting factor——radiation weighting factorW_R was introduced to replace the quality factor Q for modifying the absorbed dose averaged over atissue or organ.
A computerized model has been developed which allows the calculation of the absorbed energy profile in materials exposed to particulate radiation.
So radioactive elements can be absorbed into living tissues, bones or the blood, where they continue to give off radiation.
The constituents of starting materials, the absorbed dose for radiation cross-linking, the modified processing and the results of applcation are given.
Painting buildings white can also help reduce the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the Earth, keeping it cool.
Electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the ultraviolet and visible region can be absorbed by molecules.
Luminescence is a process during which the absorbed energy is converted to optical radiation in some way.
An improved method is introduced, through which terrestrial magnetism can be measured and the absorbed phenomenon of double-radiation oscillator emerging in experiments is illustrated.
An improved method is introduced, through which terrestrial magnetism can be measured and the absorbed phenomenon of double-radiation oscillator emerging in experiments is illustrated.