The young heroine steps into a web of intrigue in the academic world.
There is a dichotomy between the academic world and the industrial world.
NARRATOR: Hayek found his ideas shunned by the academic world.
Now that I'm in the academic world, I have to rely on books to stay on top of new technology.
The system of collective consultation and collective contract is doubted by academic world.
In the academic world there is a process of critical analysis and questioning that takes place.
The greatest challenge to computer game studies will no doubt come from within the academic world.
In a strange way, my failures in the academic world had helped me achieve that goal on a bigger stage.
When business school students return to class next month, they'll find their academic world a changed place, too.
There are debates on definition, study object, distinctive features and research trends of it in the academic world.
That goes for employees who leave but also the ones who stay behind, often referred to as "survivors" in the academic world.
Thus, feminist study sweeps every corner of the whole academic world and broadens the spectrum of academic investigation.
Industry researchers rarely publish articles, but they use the results of scientific research conducted in the academic world.
Unsurprisingly, many of the generous donors on whom schools rely are now cocking a deaf ear to when the academic world comes calling.
Due to different interpretations of its methods, the later half of the 20th century witnessed a debate in Chinese academic world.
The reception and interpretation of Eugene Onegin have been deeply influenced by the native perspective of Chinese academic world.
I was about to make my transition to the academic world and wanted to find out what other educators were doing with agile methods in their courses.
There is an identical idea in the academic world for a long time, i. e. the theme of Comedies of the World lies in its criticism of the society.
Therefore, the academic world and practice world have been widely concerned to how to regulate the performing of the judge's interpretation right.
SEG annual meeting is a forum for international geophysical academic world to exchange and discuss the newest technology trend in the present time.
You found some issues when you did practical work in accounting. Then you go to the academic world try to figure out the answer to those questions.
Sarkozy got the academic world talking when he announced that one billion euros of his 35-billion-euro national loan programme would go to Paris-Saclay.
The first chapter is an introduction that introduces the motive and ojective of this article as well as the relevant study of inscription in academic world.
Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.
As a procedure and technical problem, service is not concerned properly enough in legislation, judicature and academic world because of its trivial details.
Before entering the academic world, he spent more than thirty-five years developing various kinds of software, from business applications to compilers and tools.
Before entering the academic world, he spent more than thirty-five years developing various kinds of software, from business applications to compilers and tools.