Academically he began to excel.
He failed to shine academically but he was very good at sports.
In your experience, do girls do better academically and later professionally in single-sex schools?
The study speculated, having a white roommate helps academically prepared black students adjust to a predominantly white university.
Follow-up studies have found that those who chose to delay satisfaction are now more academically successful, have greater self-worth, and even tend to be healthier.
In 2011, they released a landmark study titled "Academically Adrift," which documented the lack of intellectual growth experienced by many people enrolled in college.
When Nijay Williams entered college last fall as a first-generation student and Jamaican immigrant, he was academically unprepared for the rigors of higher education.
This teaches them how to handle and recover from disappointment, which is associated with greater success and satisfaction academically, financially and in personal relationships.
Most colleges now offer first-year students a course specially designed to help them succeed academically and personally.
"It's for kids who can't make it academically," he says.
If we don't ask about sleep and try to improve sleep patterns in kids' struggling academically, then we aren't doing our job.
"Schools in the family of vocational education have that stereotype, that it's for kids who can't make it academically," he says.
"If we don't ask about sleep and try to improve sleep patterns in kids' struggling academically, then we aren't doing our job," F said.
Academically, black children at 17 perform no better than a white 13-year-old.
If kids have a hard time keeping up academically, they may need to drop an activity.
Money can buy many things to help children excel academically, like tutors and private school educations.
I studied social networking academically and then it was a natural fit to transition from that to business.
One in ten parents admit to making up the answers as they feel too embarrassed to be shown up academically.
This is academically very interesting and it has a certain aesthetic appeal, but it's not particularly useful.
Kids who are simply forced to repeat grades over and over usually don't improve academically and often drop out.
When I was in college, the female students excelled academically, sometimes running laps around their male counterparts.
The school she chose, however, required all students to study Japanese as part of its academically rigorous curriculum.
He was talented academically, but had few friends until meeting local computer whizkid Steve Wozniak in the early 1970s.
Turner, a 23-year teaching veteran, likes the multigrade approach. She said she has seen students develop academically and socially.
作为一名具有23年教学经验的老教师,Turner非常喜欢混合班的教学模式,她说她已经看到了学生在学业和社交方面的进步 。
He had been expelled from his state comprehensive school at 15, failed dismally academically and had spent his teenage years off the rails.
There is certainly no obvious reason to think that this panel would be anything other than academically rigorous when evaluating the grants.
There is certainly no obvious reason to think that this panel would be anything other than academically rigorous when evaluating the grants.