In one case, the professor didn't require students to buy a textbook, just an access code to turn in homework.
Because it's all digital, it eliminates the used book market and eliminates any sharing, and because homework and tests are through an access code, it eliminates any ability to opt out.
But because it's all digital, it eliminates the used book market and eliminates any sharing, and because homework and tests are through an access code, it eliminates any ability to opt out.
Some systems even automate writing some of the database access code for you.
The design of FH multiple-access code adapting for multi-network is put forward.
We will start by using a very simple applet that will make use of our data-access code.
Each of these is essentially a wrapper around the data-access code we developed earlier.
Let's look at a simple application that leverages the data-access code shown in Listing 2.
This provides a callback mechanism to surround generated data access code with specialized processing.
From a PHP perspective, extending Ajax isn't just about rewriting the XMLHttpRequest (XHR) access code.
从PHP的角度来看,扩展Ajax功能并不仅仅是重写XMLHttpRequest (XHR)访问代码。
The latest release made it possible to access code written in other languages from Ruby and vice versa.
In addition, it provides a simple mapping and API layer that lets developers quickly develop data access code.
First you need to input a mobile access code, a unique keyword that you can obtain from your profile in Moodle.
As this article has shown, implementing the DAO pattern entails more than just writing low-level data access code.
Better partitioning of implementation by factoring out extremely stable data access code from services implementations.
The power of this layer is in separating data access code from the business logic for disparate data store technologies.
It is emphasized how to select the spread spectrum access code, and how to realize synchronization and modulation etc.
To restore the CD access code, press and hold down the enter button for 3 seconds, until the stored code will reappear.
For example, the faster you forget your old PIN or access code, the quicker and more accurately you will recall your new Numbers.
Instructions on acquiring the access code are available in the unprotected introductory section of the MQ LLM Information Center.
关于获取访问代码的操作指南在MQLLM Information Center无保护简介部分可见。
The code in the executeQuery method verifies that a database connection exists and executes our query. Here's the data access code
They generate the datastore access code on the server with Clojure Macros. The same data structures are used on the client and the server.
Before moving on to the Ad controller, you might have noticed that the controller methods make direct use of domain-object data-access code.
Developers frequently require guidance when building JDBC code; bad JDBC code often results in having scattered data access code all over the place.
Create the application client project and associated EAR; you can also implement the Web services access code, as described in the next section.
Zend Core for i5/OS is fairly new, at the time of writing this article the Early Access Code has been made available for downloading and testing.
Zend Corefori5/OS是一款非常新的产品,在撰写本文之际,它的早期访问代码(Early Access Code)已经可以下载和测试了。
If you don't hear a dial tone, your organization or telephone might not support this type of outside call, or might require an additional access code.
However, if you've carefully isolated your database access code within a handful of object methods, your modifications will likely be slight and centralized.
They encapsulate and abstract all of the data access code for creating, updating, deleting, and displaying information from your database, using JPA entities.
In the Domino Web Access code, many of these formulas are compiled and the binary results are encoded in base64 before they are stored in the form or subform.