In certain areas of PDE, we try to accomodate this wording, but we aren't there yet.
Automatically adjust execution strategy to accomodate changes in underlying database schemas, such as the addition of new indexes.
Things have changed in the years since Hot and Cool, to accomodate a wider variety of consumer screen sizes, and of distribution methods through which we receive our content.
The folks at Crown are confident their publishing house is big enough to accomodate all views from the White house.
Just settle on any definition of Done, and make sure there is a branch to accomodate stories that are Done according to that definition.
This also avoids the pitfalls of extending industry standards to accomodate communications with domains outside of an industry standard that exist within an enterprise, for e.g. HR.
Before you can run the sample application, you must download the required ECS libraries and set up your environment to accomodate them. Follow these steps.
When they started to explain the capacity of these storage areas, designed to accomodate the 19- B illion-piece-per-year production, I realized the unbelievable scale of all this.
Using that method, you can accomodate this unexpected event by adding the function highlighted in bold in Listing 4 to the actionTransitionFunctions table.
As more entries are added to the index, blocks will be split to accomodate the new entries in their proper location.
Unicron's planet mode is where a lot of changes had to be made to accomodate the transformation and some play action, but overall, this is undeniably Unicron!
Click to set how the current assignments are adjusted to accomodate the change in units.
As the data is arriving almost 'randomly' by means of the reversing of the actual data bytes for the index, the index itself will be extended to accomodate these new values.
To accomodate the different demands of information systems and to find out the mostly common parts, is the difficulty of universal right management.
It was quite a varied buffet and they try to accomodate all tastes.
One end of the building spliced off to accomodate the grandstand seating by the basketball court features darker-toned brickwork to help it blend in with the court's asphalt surface.
This helps to adjust the tensions on the pouches so that you can accomodate different magazine sizes.
This is an event of drinking japanese wine called "Sake" and 10 famous restaurants will prepare all the nice dishes to accomodate the "Sake".
These carton pockets need to be adjusted to accomodate a larger carton, therefore widening the distance between the pusher and retarder lugs is necessary.
There was enough room for a nine pin valve socket to accomodate the 12AT7 required, and the power supply suited.
An exhausted Vautrin tried to accomodate them all.
Ian Ayre specifically consulted with the Premier League who had some discussion with Sky, but neither were able to accomodate our position.
We can also help to sign purchase order contracts, test product quality, guarantee timely delivery, and accomodate special orders.
The phase analysis of the ore was investigated to accomodate the actual paragenetic association of minerals. Advantage was taken of the fact that sillimanite and corundum resist HF attack.
Now you jump from your cubicle or home office to a building or large space that must accomodate multiple agents, the support staff and meeting and storage space.
Now you jump from your cubicle or home office to a building or large space that must accomodate multiple agents, the support staff and meeting and storage space.