The accompanying article lauded his rising influence in Hollywood.
I've seen this famous cover of the magazine before, but I've never had the chance to read the accompanying article.
In the decade before the accompanying article was published, millions of the intelligent Marine mammals were drowned in nets or poisoned by polluted waters.
"Whether they're really freely floating planets or just in really wide orbits is not yet proven, I would say," said Wambsganss, who wrote an accompanying article in Nature about the discovery.
"This is a huge milestone in this type of laser research," said Stephen Durbin, a scientist at Purdue University, in an accompanying article in the journal Nature Physics about the diamond mirror.
The rest of this article discusses the accompanying spreadsheet and the necessary mathematics of availability.
A complete version of the class shown in Listing 3 can be downloaded from the code accompanying the article.
The implementation of XML encryption used in the sample code accompanying this article only recognizes the Triple-DES algorithm for content encryption.
本文所附示例代码中的xml加密实现对内容加密只能识别Triple - des算法。
The example and the sample code accompanying this article will help you create business solutions using WebSphere Integration Developer (hereafter called Integration Developer).
本文附带的示例和代码样例将帮助您使用WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper(后面简称为 Integration Developer)创建业务解决方案。
Samples for all the stored procedures are provided in an accompanying bundle (see Download). The article also discusses some more advanced aspects, for example.
The source code for this custom Data Handler is found in the Project Interchange file provided as a download accompanying this article.
Well, I am not trying to hide the fact that I'm pregnant, but nor am I accompanying this article with a step-by-step account of my pregnancy and corresponding photographs.
A sample application that is configured to authenticate against the database realm you created above is included in the download materials accompanying this article.
A complete version of the class displayed in Listing 2 can be found in the sample code accompanying the article.
In an editorial accompanying the article, Dr. Allan H. Ropper, a neurologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, similarly warned against equating neural activity and identity.
This article describes the process by which hubs are packaged using the accompanying tools.
To avoid confusion, this article (and the accompanying specialization) uses the subject label for the same thing as the SKOS concept, and uses the concept label in the DITA sense.
为了避免混淆,这篇文章(以及伴随的专门化)用 主题(subject)标签表示与SKOS的概念相同的事情,概念(concept) 标签则采用 DITA 的含义。
The configuration and installation of the Universal Services is not illustrated any further since it is already described in another, accompanying, article.
For a zip file accompanying the article includes all example files, see Download.
In this article and the accompanying tutorial (see Resources), I will cover forms, page, views, and agent — and the portion of the external servlet that does the data transfer.
If you want to test the example applications accompanying this article, you need at least the Derby core plug-in.
The hub export tool accompanying this article combines the tar.gz file with the new hub to create a replacement tar.gz.
本文附带的中心导出工具将tar .gz文件和新中心结合起来创建一个替代tar . gz。
Before leaving this month's column, I want to point out that there is an archived zip file accompanying this article.
In this article, you see specific instances of these two scenarios, and you can download the accompanying sample portlets for each of this cases.
This article and the accompanying sample code introduce you to how you can implement case management functionality using the IBM FileNet P8 Platform.
See the accompanying makefile (in Resources later in this article) for a simple example of this.
The GenericAny.ear accompanying this article provides a complete example showing use of the <xsd:any/> element.
本文中的 GenericAny.ear 部分提供了一个完整的示例,其中演示了 <xsd:any/>元素的用法。
The GenericAny.ear accompanying this article provides a complete example showing use of the <xsd:any/> element.
本文中的 GenericAny.ear 部分提供了一个完整的示例,其中演示了 <xsd:any/>元素的用法。