You should clearly understand the financing methods employed by the acquirer.
Bank of America, a serial acquirer at home, sold its big Latin American operation in 2006.
The target of education is projected as the excessive emphasis on the indirect acquirement of the acquirer;
具体在教育目标上过分的重视 受教育者的间接知识的获得;
The acquirer shall simultaneously submit the report on acquisition of the listed company to the stock exchange.
Merger agreements typically specify certain 'adverse' conditions that give an acquirer the right to abandon a deal.
Takeovers rarely add value to the acquirer and often lead to job losses and factory closures at the acquired company.
Perhaps that might change if the next big acquirer is a state-backed Chinese firm, rather than a paternalistic Indian conglomerate.
Delaware courts, however, had frowned upon an acquirer being given an option to buy such a large stake without shareholder approval.
Instead of selling itself, Knewton has entered into an agreement with the industry giant, which might otherwise have been an acquirer.
The consideration of the acquirer may be paid in the form of share-based payments, non-share-based payments or a combination of the two.
In many cases, these are people who have sought out Berkshire as an acquirer for a business that they and their families have long owned.
The bottom Simpay product context shows the Simpay product realized by Simpay Ltd., the mobile operator, and the mobile merchant acquirer.
All relevant direct costs incurred to the acquirer for the business combination shall also be recorded into the cost of business combination.
Article 91 An acquirer shall not rescind its acquisition offer within the committed period of time stated in the tender offer of acquisition.
The acquirer shall, in the tender offer report, make full disclose of the complete scheme it presents pursuant to this Circular and the relevant risks.
Any costs incurred to the acquirer which are directly attributable to the business combination shall also be recorded in the cost of business combination.
Depending on how many shares a potential acquirer buys in the market; a formal offer to other shareholders may be required under stock exchange regulations.
EBay would be the most logical acquirer, given that they already own a 25% stake through a rather dubious stock sale by a former trusted employee of Craig's.
He says a company in receivership may look like a bargain, but the deal is only worth it if the acquirer understands why the business failed and can tackle the cause.
UK process gives everyone a chance to put their case to investors : not only does a target company do so but the acquirer must justify its offer to its shareholders .
Theoretically this is not aimed at any particular kind of acquirer, and would not block well-conceived deals, but that, of course, was said about the monopoly law as well.
A suicide pill is a term for any high-risk poison pill strategy that may discourage a potential acquirer but also place the takeover target under severe financial pressure.
Consumers had a hard time gaining confidence in the new ownership even after the Chinese acquirer decided to keep most of IBM’s original sales and technical supports teams.
即使联想当时决定保留IBM的绝大部分原有的销售和技术支持团队,消费者也 花了不少时间才重拾对IBM品牌的信任。
This negative response is an indication of investors’ skepticism about the likelihood that the acquirer will be able to achieve the synergies required to justify the premium.
A target's strategic fit with the acquirer is as important as ever, says J.D. Sherman, CFO of Akamai Technologies, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Web infrastructure company.
马萨诸塞州剑桥的一家网络基础设施公司Akamai Technologies的首席财务官j.d .Sherman表示,目标公司与收购方的战略符合比以往任何时候都更重要。
A target's strategic fit with the acquirer is as important as ever, says J.D. Sherman, CFO of Akamai Technologies, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Web infrastructure company.
马萨诸塞州剑桥的一家网络基础设施公司Akamai Technologies的首席财务官j.d .Sherman表示,目标公司与收购方的战略符合比以往任何时候都更重要。