Traffic lights that act locally can improve traffic globally, new research suggests.
This topic is also discussed in another post of Richard - EA: Think Globally, Act locally.
Only to affect our local neighborhoods But what we do locally, act locally, think globally. -right.
Management concept of TROX China can be summarized into one sentence: "Think Globally, and act locally."
妥思的中国的管理理念可以用一句话概括: “以国际化的思方式去思考,以本土化的方式去执行。”
Eastern people are not as good at formally expressing things, but we act and share ideas that worked at Gemba (a Toyota word for the workplace, not on the desk) locally.
The County courts Act 1846 set up a new network of courts to administer civil law locally where small sums of money were involved.
A crisis Camp is when a city or area organizes to meet locally or virtually to talk and act on a crisis.
A crisis Camp is when a city or area organizes to meet locally or virtually to talk and act on a crisis.